God help me! Gato de Dolores Aveiro appears “by magic”, deletes the publication … but leaves “accusations” – Nacional


Lucas the cat appeared “as if by magic”, announced Dolores Aveiro this Sunday the 27th, in the afternoon, after accusing strangers of having taken the pet from their home.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother had revealed her nervousness about not finding the cat that has kidney problems and needs medication daily hours before.

“Our Lucas disappeared from home … or someone took him out of our yard,” she wrote on InstaStories in the morning. At the end of the day, he deleted that post and exchanged the message: “Lucas appeared as if by magic. Since last night we have not seen him at home, he is never absent, he is a lazy cat (neutered) and very attached to everyone’s sofas and beds at home, hence our amazement at having disappeared. We search in every possible corner, we walk in the middle of farms, wells, roads and, after another whole morning of searching, it seems to enter through the front door already inside the house as if by magic“he said before making accusations again.

Dolores Aveiro’s cat

We don’t know where it went, if it was someone who put it back in the yard, and, thank goodness, good. Thanks to everyone who cared ”, he concluded.
