Go to the supermarket, pharmacy or short walks. Comply with the 13 exceptions to the curfew – O Jornal Económico


The Government announced on Saturday the curfew in the afternoons during the week and between 1 and 5 in the morning of the next two weekends, in the 121 counties with the highest risk of contagion in Covid-19, in the context of this state of emergency that began. at 00:00 on Monday and ends at 23:59 on November 23.

Traffic on public roads is not allowed, except in 13 exceptional cases, which the Government published this Sunday in Decree No. 8/2020.

Know the exceptions:

a) Traveling to perform professional or similar functions, as evidenced by a statement:
i) Issued by the employer or similar entity;
ii) Issued by itself, in the case of self-employed, sole proprietors or members of statutory bodies;
iii) Commitment to honor, in the case of workers in the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors;

b) Traveling in the exercise of the respective functions or by reason of the same, without the need for a statement issued by the employer or equivalent:
i) Health professionals and other workers of health and social assistance institutions;
ii) Civil protection agents, security forces and services, military, militarized and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and inspectors of the Food and Economic Security Authority;
iii) Heads of sovereign bodies, leaders of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and people with free transit issued in legal terms;
iv) Ministers of worship, by accreditation of the competent bodies of the respective church or religious community, in the terms of paragraph 2 of article 15 of Law No. 16/2001, of June 22, in its current wording;
v) Personnel from diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations located in Portugal, provided they are related to the performance of official functions;

c) Traveling for health reasons, that is, to buy products in pharmacies or obtain medical care and transportation of people to whom such care should be administered;

d) Trips to grocery stores and supermarkets and other establishments that sell food and hygiene products, for people and animals;

e) Displacement for urgent reception of victims of domestic violence or trafficking in human beings, as well as children and young people at risk, by application of a measure decreed by a judicial authority or the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth, in a home residential or family;

f) Travel to assist vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents, the elderly or dependents;

g) Displacement for other imperative family reasons, namely, compliance with shared parental responsibility, as determined by agreement between the holders of the same or by the competent court;

h) Travel of veterinarians, animal caregivers for urgent medical-veterinary assistance, caretakers of colonies recognized by the municipalities, volunteers from zoophilic associations with dependent animals who need to go to animal shelters and animal health teams. animal rescue for urgent assistance;

i) Travel necessary to exercise freedom of the press;

j) Short-term pedestrian trips, in order to enjoy moments in the open air, unaccompanied or in the company of members of the same household who live together;

k) Short-duration pedestrian trips for the purpose of walking pets;

l) For other causes of force majeure or imperative need, provided that it is urgent and duly justified;

m) Return to personal home in the field of trips referred to in the previous sections and trips and activities referred to in article 28 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 92 -A / 2020, of November 2.

The Government also explained that, except for the purposes foreseen in short-term pedestrian routes, “the circulation of private vehicles on public roads, including refueling at gas stations, is allowed within the scope of the situations referred to in paragraph previous”.

In establishments where food and hygiene products are sold, for people and animals, you can also buy other products that are available there, he said.

“The trips admitted in the terms of the previous figures must preferably be made without accompaniment and must respect the recommendations and orders determined by the health authorities and the security forces and services, that is, those related to the distances that must be observed between people “, adds the decree.
