GNR visited more than 3,100 elderly people living alone at Christmas



This Christmas, GNR visited more than 3,100 seniors who live alone and spent Christmas alone, in a campaign that aimed to reduce their social isolation in a time of pandemic, it was announced today.

“Aware that the isolation is greater this year, due to the recommendations of the health authorities, and knowing that some 3,149 elderly people would spend Christmas alone, GNR sought to be present, especially on December 24, with those whose isolation is greater in recent weeks and especially on Christmas night, the date when families traditionally get together ”, says the GNR statement.

The campaign, promoted by the Criminal Prevention and Community Surveillance Sections, ran from 18 to Thursday and covered 3,149 older adults.

The Guard recalls that, according to Operation Major Censuses 2020, more than 42,000 older people living alone and / or isolated were identified, a population vulnerable to fraud crimes.

The number of older people who spent Christmas alone is more concentrated in the districts of Viseu, Vila Real, Leiria and Viana do Castelo.
