GNR detains 30 people for illegal disposal of sanitary waste


Saccording to a statement from Europol (European Police Service), published today, action gives GNR integrated into the vast operation Retrovirus fight against the illegal disposal and transport of sanitary waste, which involved 30 countries and in which approximately 280 thousand inspections 102 facilities and 102 people detained.

Republican National Guard (GNR) inspected more than 2,000 companies, hospitals and health centers, having arrested 30 people, seized material worth 790 thousand euros and applied fines for administrative offenses.

The Environment Unit of the Spanish Civil Guard, SEPRONA investigated the Activities of a company that operates in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Murcia, Valencia, Tarragona me Zaragosa and that he had connections with another organization operating in Lisbon.

The Spanish police searched nine locations and arrested 20 people for crimes against the environment, labor rights and public health.

“The sanitary garbage, collected by the company, it was normally sterilized at high pressure to eliminate all dangerous components, but to increase profits, the treatment time was reduced, causing the waste not to be properly sterilized and generating high risks for public health ”, he says . Europol.

Authorities also monitored the transport of medical waste in the European Union and police in the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia identified the illegal shipments, which were returned to the country of origin.

Another trend identified during the operation was the possible contamination of waters urban waste. The Spanish Civil Guard launched the operation Arcovid to investigate filtration treatments of Water contaminants and the possible presence of new coronavirus.

From the beginning of pandemic, police authorities detetaram a “potential growth of the illegal treatment and disposal of sanitary waste” that led the authorities of several countries to carry out inspections and controls of facilities and transport of sanitary waste, “which were crucial to prevent illegal traffic, storage, dumping and transport of waste and fraud.”

Thirty countries participated in the operation Retrovirusincluding AddressEuropean Environment Agency, the Network EnviCrime, Frontex, INTERPOL, or draft The PAACTO and the European Union Network for the Implementation and Application of Environmental Legislation (IMPEL).

A pandemic from COVID-19-19 caused at least 1,453,074 deaths as a result of more than 62.5 million cases of infection around the world, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

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