Get ready for a New Year’s Eve with cold, rain and snow | Meteorology


The cold is here to stay at least until the beginning of next year, according to weather forecasts that point to a step in 2021 with low temperatures, rain and snow.

The joint action of an anticyclone located northwest of the Azores and the depression Beautiful (name given by the British Meteorological Service), which will move to the region of Scandinavia, passing through northern France, “will originate a north flow, which will carry a mass of cold air“In the territory of mainland Portugal during the next few days,” the cold weather is expected to continue until at least January 1, 2021, “says the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), in a statement released this Monday .

The note adds that “the the maximum temperature must not exceed 15ºC practically the entire territory at the end of the year ”. In Beira Baixa, Beira Alta, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro the maximum temperature must range between three and ten degrees Celsius and the minimum between four and one negative degrees. In regions closest to the coast, the minimum should be between three and nine degrees.

Between this Monday and Thursday, December 31, rains are also expected, with snowfalls “generally above 800/1000 meters of altitude, varying the level throughout the week in the North and Central mountains, with the passage of a new cold front surface at the end of the 30th day and the beginning of the day 31 “.

The IPMA forecasts also point to “the formation of ice or frost, especially in the interior regions and fog or morning mist.” As for the wind, “it will blow moderately from the west quadrant, turning from the north quadrant throughout the week, sometimes strong with gusts of up to 70 km / h, so that the intensification of the wind will cause a increased thermal discomfort”.

The agitation of the sea will remain “strong” until this Tuesday on the western coast, especially north of Cabo Raso, with waves of up to seven meters.
