Generally approved state budget


PSD, BE, CDS-PP and the only deputies from Chega, André Ventura, and from the Liberal Initiative, João Cotrim de Figueiredo, voted against, after another eight hours of debate in Parliament.

After this approval in general, the proposed State Budget for 2021 will now be debated in the specialty, starting this Thursday, and the proposed modifications must enter until November 13.

The State Budget will be subject to a final global vote on November 26.

After the approval, António Costa said that, in the specialty phase, the Government will work to “accept proposals that are reasonable, that are possible and that allow overcoming the limitations and inadequacies that the parties have also identified.”

Antenna 1

“Today a very important step has been taken so that the country can have a good Budget for 2021 to respond to the crisis, strengthening the National Health Service “and protecting everyone,” leaving no one behind.said the prime minister.

Government accusations mark the debate

The vote took place at the end of the debate opened in the morning by the Minister of Finance, who took the moment to praise and send signals of closeness to the parties that announced the abstention, making the accounts for next year feasible.

The debate was marked by the accusations of the different parties, starting with the PSD, according to which the Government is making a “stroganoff” and “vegan” budget, to please both the PCP and the PAN.

The Social Democrats also blamed the Government for the fact that Portugal was “losing the war” against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and asked 16 times why the Executive stopped fighting it.

The president of the PSD accused the government of wanting to “give everything at once” and having the “audacity to say that there is no austerity” in the State Budget proposal, considering that this is “deceiving the people.”

“Distributing what you have to those who need it most is fair and deserves our support and encouragement. But distributing everything at the same time – what you have and what you don’t have – is to compromise the future and mislead people. It is to give the false illusion of a facility that is not real and that, later, it may be necessary to pay for it with unnecessary suffering, “said Rui Rio, in the closing session of the debate.

“The Block will not change its voice”

In opposition, the Left Bloc accused the government of handing over the contraption and having sought a political solution marked by a climate of hostility.

In the closing session of the debate, Catarina Martins promised to make a good State Budget feasible since the PS stands up “with the left” on the structural issues that the party defends, but warned that “the Bloc will not change its voice ”.

“The country noted the tone with which the Prime Minister addressed the Left Bloc in this debate. In fact, it is not new. This is how it was a year ago, when he attacked the Bloc in the electoral campaign, demanding an absolute majority to avoid a new device. But these mental states don’t get us out of our way, ”he said.

We will insist on exclusivity in the NHS, on social support for those who lost everything in the crisis, on protection against dismissal, on the lawsuit against financial fraud. The PS raises with the left on these structural issues and the Bloc will be there to make a good budget feasible ”, promised Catarina Martins.

The PCP, for its part, justified its abstention in general with the need to “open the possibility” of changing the OE2021 proposal, as happened with the supplementary budget, in which in the end it voted against.

Abstention “is not a point of arrival, it is assumed with The objective of opening the discussion that remains to be done, facing the needs of the people and the country. with measures that guarantee a response, despite the government’s systematic refusal to respond, “which a” vote against would not allow, “said the communist parliamentary leader, João Oliveira.

“Clumsy” and “inconsistent” budget

The CDS-PP deputy Cecília Meireles accused the Government of “Recycle a strategy for large works” with the State Budgets for 2021, which classified as a “clumsy, incoherent and myopic” document.

According to Cecília Meireles, “the Budget is due, in practice, to the distribution of subsidies and to absolutely contradictory and erratic signs between the needs to stimulate the economy and contain the pandemic.”

“The only real investment strategy that arises in the midst of all this is very simple, but nothing new, Prime Minister: spend money on public works. Nothing more,” added the deputy from the CDS-PP, addressing António Costa.

“Last chance”

The PAN pointed to the special phase of the State Budget for 2021 as decisive in understanding the government’s “degree of commitment”, warning that the document, in its current form, would not cause the party to abstain.

Stressing that the party will not give up “doing its job” in the specialty, the parliamentary leader Inês Sousa Real left a warning to the Executive of António Costa: voting for the specialty will be the “last chance”.

Also in the closing session of the debate, the Ecological Party “Os Verdes” (ENP) stated that it hoped that the Government would take advantage of the approval of the State Budget for 2021 as an opportunity to improve the document and reevaluate priorities for the country.

“Let there be no doubts, this abstention in general does not compromise and in no way affects the vote of the Greens in terms of the final global vote, whose assessment will be made in due course “, said deputy José Luís Ferreira.

Quote “Scared and scared”

The sole deputy and president of Chega, André Ventura, classified the 2021 State Budget proposal as that of “fear and fear”, who do not want a political crisis and are going to vote.

“Before members who are no longer members, before new members who are afraid to vote and before others who, since they are not in any part of the barricade, what they do not want are votes,” he said, adding that Chega wants to listen to the Portuguese in surveys “as soon as possible”.

Also at the end of the debate, the Liberal Initiative accused the socialist government of being “prepared for everything” so that “the extreme left would return to the arms of the PS”, warning that the contraptions and bargain of the contraption have costs for the Portuguese.

João Cotrim Figueiredo pointed out that, just on the first day of the general debate, the government “has already agreed to review the scope of the new social benefit and anticipate the increase in pensions for January.”

The PS’s response to the parties

In response to the parties, the PS parliamentary leader affirmed that there is availability to negotiate the Budget proposal until its final global vote and accused the Left Bloc of seeking to leave when the situation is difficult.

Negotiating is not giving in unilaterally, it is negotiating measure by measure and the proposal that is in parliament is already the result of these negotiations. This is the beginning of the road, not the end. Many of the measures put on the table by the PCP, PEV, BE and PAN are in the Budget, “said Ana Catarina Mendes.

In this context, the president of the socialist bench left a message to the parliamentary partners of the PS: “We will maintain until the end our commitment to negotiate until the final global vote on specialty.”

“Nobody will understand that leaving the country in a difficult time as we live. The Parliamentary Group of the PS does not leave the country, nor the Portuguese, because it is essential to preserve employment and income, “he warned.

c / The day after tomorrow
