General Assembly of Sporting marked by attacks on a teammate – Sporting


Rui Franco was approached and attacked by three elements, later identified by the PSP

The general assembly of Sporting is marked, from now on, by the attacks suffered by Rui Franco, an associate of the lions since 1986, known for his favorable opinions to the current leadership shared on social networks. The assaults occurred after Franco had exercised his right to vote, in the VIP room, and when he was about to leave the stadium.

At that time, the teammate, who came to play in the quarry of the Alvalade club, was approached by four elements, one of which Luís Pires, known as ‘Colmeia’, with long-standing ties to Juventude Leonina and Directo Ultras XXI, who attacked him. on the face and head. None of the associates at the scene came to their aid, and law enforcement officials did nothing to stop the attacks. Only after the incident did the Public Security Police proceed to identify those involved in the contempt. Including Rui Franco. The aggressor subsequently went to the hospital to assess the seriousness of the injuries and it is his intention, in the next few days, to file a complaint against the aggressors.

The episode did not go unnoticed by Miguel Fonseca, Bruno de Carvalho’s lawyer in the trial for the invasion of the Alcochete Academy, which he jokingly referred to on social networks.

By João Lopes


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