Funcionário do governo chinês admits that pandemic “expôs as fraquezas” of the national health system – Observer


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Holy House of Mercy in Lisbon

In spite of the criticism that it is becoming ouvir, increasingly high, at the outset of China in the contention of the pandemic, it is rare to see Chinese leaders admit, publicly, any irregularity in the way that the Covid-19 has embraced the international world. This Saturday, contudo, coube ao diretor da Comissão Nacional de Saúde da China, Li Bin, recognize that a pandemic is a “great test” for the Chinese leadership, ao “Expor as failures of the national health service” of the country, second to BBC News.

Li Bin guaranteed a social communication that the country went now, “invest more in the prevention of infectious diseases, the robustness of the public health system”, as well as the collection of data, you base scientific research. The Director of the National Health Commission also explained that the problems identified in the Covid-19 pandemic will be solved through the “centralization of information systems” and the use of artificial intelligence.

At the expense of Li Bin, there are two harsh criticisms of the United States regarding the way China has responded slowly to the first few synais of viruses in Wuhan, where or how they have come, I have not alerted the international community with celerity. To China, I have always rejected these accusations, but have not given in to international requests to authorize an independent investigation into the origins of viruses.

This week, the Chinese Ambassador of the United Nations, Chen Xu, will admit that the “diplomatic context” does not allow the World Health Organization to send specialists to China to participate in research on the origin of the nov coronavirus. “In principle, we are not allergic to any form of research or evaluation” that allows us to “prepare future health emergencies”, but “we do not have time to lose to save lives”, sublinhou or diplomat in videoconference.

China challenges international investigation into the origin of viruses

Despite censorship of social communication media, it is also known that China has faced criticism internally. Several local authorities of the Communist Party were demitted, not in the Covid-19 area, but also a senior member of the Chinese government was punished. Além disso, em dezembro, ainda not start of the pandemic, or doctor who tried to alert the authorities about or viruses foi instructed to stop “fazer false comments.” Later, Li Wenliang morreu of Covid-19 not Wuhan hospital.

China accounts for 4,637 deaths, according to the contagion of the John Hopkins University, and quase 84,000 cases.
