From the serenity during the search to the defeatist stance in the reconstruction of the murder of the daughter. The behavior of Valentina’s father – Observer …


The story of that first escape is true. But Valentina was found, alive, by a GNR agent who saw her alone on the street and took her back home. Something that caused it to be pointed out by the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ) of Peniche. The parents were questioned and it was concluded that an isolated episode and that there were no signs of abuse – led to the case being closed a month later, the CPCJ source told the Observer.

This time everything was different. Valentina was found dead, on the edge of a eucalyptus in Serra D’el Rei, about eight kilometers from her father’s house. The body, left under the branches of a purposefully broken pine, was removed from the site Sunday morning, three days after searches began. Three days when Sandro Bernando’s behavior changed, while still being “serene”, “calm” and somewhat “neglected”, according to those who saw him nearby.

Was Valentina dressed after her death? Did stepmother help the father hide the body? The mysteries of the death of the child that the PJ tries to unravel

On the first day of the disappearance alert, the parish was “invaded” by more than 600 people, authorities, civilians and explorers, who came together to search for Valentina. Neither of them was the father. It is true that the mother did not participate in the searches either. “He felt bad from day one. Passed out and went to the hospital“, A neighbor and Sandro’s colleague tells the Observer, adding that, shortly after, she returned and remained there, almost always on the street where her daughter was last seen alive, her father’s house, in RD Jerónimo de Ataíde Perhaps he went to Bombarral, where he sometimes lives, and then returned and continued his searches until the worst case scenario was confirmed.

Valentina’s stepmother left the house that day. She isolated herself in the house of a relative, just behind her: she went there with her three children shortly after having reported the alleged disappearance and only went there directly to the Leiria Judicial Police (PJ), where she would end up in detention.
