From “lies” to interruptions: the debate between André Ventura and João Ferreira was tense | Presidential 2021


Presidential candidates João Ferreira and André Ventura held a tense debate this Saturday, marked by constant interruptions, especially by the president of Chega, who was accused of lying by the PCP MEP.

In a debate broadcast by TVI24, with the candidates standing, André Ventura accused João Ferreira of having on his candidacy website praise for regimes such as North Korea, Cuba or Vietnam, which led the communist leader to challenge him to demonstrate these accusations “not to be a liar.”

Ventura would later say that these references were on the PCP’s website and, later, that they would have been “removed.”

João Ferreira criticized that André Ventura will have in his campaign the leader of the extreme right and president of the French National Union, Marine Le Pen, with his opponent asking if he would prefer to have the president of North Korea, Kim Jong-United Nations.

On the specific questions raised by the moderator of the debate, the journalist Carla Moita, the two candidates for Belém were almost always in total disagreement.

Regarding the case of the European prosecutor José Guerra, André Ventura argued that the Minister of Justice should no longer be in office -as the Minister of Internal Administration-, while João Ferreira said that it was necessary to clarify whether “there was a deliberate intention” to provide false information. to the European Union by the Government.

“The Minister of Justice will go to the Assembly of the Republic, let’s see if André Ventura is there, I know there is still a long way to go,” accused the PCP leader, receiving back criticism that he was “being an accomplice of the Government.”

“Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, if he were a true president, today he would have said that it would be the last day of the Minister of Justice in office,” Ventura responded, considering that the head of state is not used to “remove selfies or cut ribbons ”.

The candidate supported by the PCP accused the deputy and leader of Chega of “not using the criteria he uses for others” and that, after having guaranteed that he would be exclusively in Parliament, having accumulated salaries as a consultant and sports commentator, with Ventura to defy criticism.

“Continue inventing,” said Ventura, during João Ferreira’s speech.

Regarding the euthanasia diploma, which may arrive soon in Belém, Ventura said that he would call a referendum, considering that “the PCP is afraid to listen to the Portuguese”, while João Ferreira assured that “it will respect the will of the Assembly of the Republic ”, Which must approve the legalization of assisted death.

Asked in what situations they admitted dissolving Parliament, the candidate supported by the PCP guaranteed that “he would not renounce to exercise any of the powers that the President of the Republic has,” that is, if he considers that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are at stake. such as health or education. , but admitting that this did not happen during the period of the first mandate of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

André Ventura – who referred more to the current President of the Republic than to João Ferreira in the debate – considered that the current Government “has already passed important red lines”, as in the fires of 2017 that caused more than a hundred deaths or in the case by Tancos. .

“I don’t like this Constitution, I never hid it,” he said, arguing that the head of state should have more powers, for example, in terms of ministerial elections.

In the final phase of the debate, when Ventura was already treating João Ferreira for you, the Chega leader challenged his opponent to condemn the North Korean regime.

“I defend the right of each people to freely choose their destiny,” João Ferreira replied, lamenting that André Ventura had to look for situations in other countries to criticize him.

The last words of the communist leader were to accuse Ventura of “being on the side of the powerful” and to point out inconsistencies in the vote on the proposal to stop a new injection of public money to the Novo Banco, in the last budget debate.

“Whoever exercises all the possible votes in the same 24 hours on the same issue, everything is said about their credibility,” he criticized.

In addition to André Ventura and João Ferreira, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Ana Gomes, Marisa Matias, Tiago Mayan and Vitorino Silva are candidates for the presidential elections on January 24.
