From Gattuso’s discontent to the desire to train at Alvalade: Naples’ reaction to the cancellation of Cinco Violinos – Sporting


Sporting was going to face the Italians tonight in the Cinco Violinos Trophy

Tonight’s Sporting-Napoli has been canceled early next afternoon three positive cases of Covid-19 in lions and the Italian delegation only knew what was happening when it landed in Lisbon. According to ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’, the team then went to the hotel they had booked and waited for instructions on the day’s program, which naturally had to be renewed.

The Italian newspaper guarantees that Gennaro Gattuso, Naples coach, did not hide his discontent with the cancellation of the match, which would be the last (and most difficult) pre-season test, to measure the real capacity of his pupils before the official competition. In order not to consider the trip totally lost, Naples will have tried to find out if it was possible to train in Alvalade or, alternatively, in another field. The return flight is scheduled for shortly before midnight, but there is also the possibility that the delegation will return to Italy earlier.

Sporting talks about DGS nomination

It should be remembered that Sporting, in a statement, said that this match was canceled on the recommendation of the General Directorate of Health. According to the lions, the DGS considered that “the necessary conditions for the meeting were not met.”

by Record


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