Frenchmen saem à rua after two months of confinement. Eis as images


TO par da Holanda, Grécia, Turquia ou Espanha, França foi um two countries that started, this second-feira, or process of lack of confidence imposto devido à pandemic gives Covid-19.

At the end of two months, the French will be able to leave home, being that, in this first phase, some of the commercial establishments, creches and primary schools will reopen.

Contudo, second to French printing press, We are transported publicly, in various parts of the country with stations or paragens of great affluence, or I respect the distance rules that have always been fulfilled..

Go to the gallery above as images that marked or gradual return to ‘normality’ in França.

Remember that França is in two more countries shaved peels pandemic provoked novo hair coronavirus, I have attached to the moment, registered 26,380 deaths in more than 176 thousand cases.

Always or first to know.
Accompany or site the hair for the fourth consecutive year Escolha do Consumidor.
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