França accuses Apple of refusing to help in social monitoring application


França accused Apple in this term of prejudice of their efforts to combat or coronavirus, refusing to help to make their iPhones more compatible as a social monitoring application called “StopCovid”.

Governments of various countries are developing applications for smartphones in charge of monitoring the contacts of two users, on the grounds that the technique could keep a pandemic of coronavirus under control to reopen their economies.

You applications usam or communication resource sem fio of short range Bluetooth, which allows telephones to interact with nearby devices, denouncing when or user of the device to close the vicinity of a certain alvo, no case, people who are potentially contaminated with viruses.

Your iPhones will normally block or access Bluetooth, unless or you are using a free application that you use or resource. The French authorities want Apple to alter the configurations of the operational system to allow its application to access or Bluetooth in the background to constantly monitor the steps two users two devices. Até agora, second to the French authorities, Apple refused.

“Apple could be termed as a fazer or an application to work without any iPhone. It is not the least,” said French minister of digital technology, Cedric O, at BFM Business TV.

“I am sorry, since we are in a period when everyone is mobilized to fight a pandemic, considering that a large company that is doing well is not economically helping out a government in this crisis.”

A voice-over of Apple na França refused to comment.

With Bluetooth access, we have several related questions that will emerge as countries try to launch applications under the pretext of fighting or coronavirus.

To França, together with some other countries, he wants to keep the data records of the people in a central data bank, arguing that ISSO will facilitate or trace two individuals.

To Apple and Google, you are responsible for the operational systems that equip all your smartphones in non-world use, we want you to be given us our own phones, for two governments, saying that it would protect two private users.

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See how Bixby works, voice assistant gives Samsung

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