Four volunteers vaccinated against Covid-19 in US trials have facial paralysis


New data was released on testing of the Pfizer vaccine, which began this week in the UK and is expected to arrive in Portugal early next month. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), four volunteers developed Bell’s palsy in the days after vaccination. It affects the muscles of the face and, in the most severe cases, both sides of the face can become paralyzed.

The effects appeared spaced in time. The first case after only three days, the second after nine days, the third on day 37 and the fourth on day 48. Facial paralysis lasts, on average, between two and three weeks. However, in the most severe cases, it can take months. Full recovery is not quick – four to six weeks on average, but it can take up to six months.

This is the second significant side effect detected in the Pfizer vaccine. On Wednesday, British health authorities warned that it is not recommended for people with severe allergies (medicines, food or vaccines), after an adverse reaction of two allergic patients.

The FDA document also revealed that six Pfizer test volunteers died, although according to that agency, none of the deaths are related to the vaccine.

Judgment in adolescents
The modern pharmaceutical company began yesterday in the US the second phase of a study on the effectiveness of its vaccine against Covid-19 in adolescents between 12 and 18 years old.

Machines sell tests
The first automatic PCR test collection and sales machine was installed in a hospital in Riga, Latvia. The user only has to pick up the bottle, spit it out, seal it and put it back in the machine. Results take 24 hours.

Faster screening
Australian scientists have developed a rapid method for sequencing the coronavirus genome that can reduce the source of new outbreaks to four hours.

Fake cards for sale
Copies of the British cards proving the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine are on sale on the TikTok social network for just £ 5 (€ 5.50).

The Pope celebrates the Mass of the Rooster before
The Mass of the Rooster celebrated by Pope Francis at the Vatican will begin this year two hours earlier than usual, at 7:30 p.m., to allow the Supreme Pontiff and the rest of the participants to return home before the curfew of the 10 pm. Public participation will be very limited.

Brazil wants to vaccinate everyone in one year
Brazil plans to vaccinate the entire population against Covid-19 by the end of 2021, Health Minister Eduardo Pazzuello announced on Thursday, the same day that the drug’s regulatory agency, Avinsa, approved the emergency use of the future. vaccine, now awaiting applications for evaluation.

The UK has already vaccinated “tens of thousands”
British Health Minister Matt Hancock announced Thursday that “tens of thousands” of older people, home care workers and health professionals have already been vaccinated against Covid-19 since the government’s mass vaccination program began. . On tuesday. Vaccination is being carried out in 73 hospitals.
