Four tips to ease the effects of transition


THE the cold is there and the time change also arrives. Starting on Sunday, it will dawn and dark an hour earlier and the days will shorten.

As Emma explains, the brain adapts quickly to this change; However, changing the time twice a year can impact negatively on health, disturbing sleep and the normal functioning of the body.

The human body follows a natural 24-hour cycle, the so-called rhythm circadian, so changing the hands of the clock can shake up the biological system.

To make this transition as uncomfortable as possible, follow these suggestions from the Emma brand:

– Choose to make a gradual change in schedules, for example, waking up 10-15 minutes before normal time on the nights before the change. This helps the clock circadian to adjust progressively.

– Expose yourself to light, especially natural light, during the day and avoid bright light when it is dark outside.

– Make the room a relaxing space: a comfortable bed, the right pillow, light and light furniture and decoration, without computers or cell phones near the bed, they promote tranquility and calm, also favoring a more relaxed sleep.

– Avoid performing Activities wake you up an hour before going to sleep, i.e. watch TV, use the mobile phone, eat large meals, drinks with caffeine or stimulants, alcohol or tobacco.

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