Formula 1: the Portuguese Grand Prix reduces capacity


The General Directorate of Health is evaluating the capacity reduction in the two Portimão GPs and the director of the circuit told O JOGO that, “in view of the current scenario, the audience will be below 30 percent.”

A couple of months after the Government approved the public appearance at the Autodromo do Algarve, during the Formula 1 and MotoGP races, yesterday the possibility of empty seats was raised. The worsening of the pandemic is the cause of a reduction of spectators to “30 percent”, as guaranteed by O JOGO Paulo Pinheiro, general director of AIA, knowing that 30 thousand tickets have already been sold for F1, a figure already slightly higher. to this figure, since the capacity is 90 thousand seats.

“It is being considered according to the area, as well as the reduction that will have to exist. We are being cautious, looking at the situation, and it is a fact that DGS is reviewing the programming in terms of audience in sporting events, depending on the epidemiology in each area of the country “, affirmed the general director of Health, Graça Freitas, about the F1 Portuguese Grand Prix (days 23 to 25) and MotoGP (November 20 to 22). In the Algarve, where many foreigners are expected, they registered 191 cases in the last week, only 1.6% of the national total (11,974 infected).

Although the pandemic is saving the south, the executive director of the Algarve racetrack is in tune with DGS. “Given the stage, the target audience for now at the Formula 1 Grand Prix will be below 30 percent,” he says, and the previously estimated 40,000 spectators “does not fit the picture.” Promising “greater rigidity”, Paulo Pinheiro yesterday held a meeting with members of the FIA ​​(International Automobile Federation), by videoconference.

This circus is still running: 450 trucks are already parked on the circuit and today 1,200 tests will be carried out in the covid-19 on elements related to the race.
