Former British Prime Ministers say Boris Johnson’s project is “shameful” – Jornal Económico


Former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Major have called on the current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, not to continue with the non-negotiation process with the European Union, leaving Brexit to occur with the terms already agreed. between the two parties, point to “The Sunday Times” in a comment.

If Boris Johnson continues with the idea of ​​proceeding with a non-negotiation, the former prime ministers asked MPs to reject the “shameful bill” that aims to modify the agreement for Brexit. The former rulers, who ran the UK between 1990 and 2007, see Johnson’s attitude as “irresponsible, wrong in principle and dangerous in practice.”

Last week, the British Prime Minister presented the Internal Market Act in parliament, and if it is approved, the intention is to modify certain commitments already made in the agreement signed with the European Union in 2019. Johnson’s project, which has politicians and troubled EU officials, aims to modify the mechanism already designed to prevent the increase in the physical border between the two Irish women, which aims to preserve peace in Northern Ireland.

In joint opinion, the former prime ministers of different parties (Blair is a Labor Party and Major is a Conservative) accuse the government of Boris Johnson of “shaming” the UK. The two defend that the new law that Johnson wants to impose “raises questions that go beyond the impact on Ireland, the peace process and the negotiations of a trade agreement. [com a UE]”In addition to” questioning the very integrity of our Nation. “

If this bill is approved, UK ministers have the power to modify or not comply with the rules created for the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which will enter into force on 1 January if the UK and the EU they do not reach a commercial agreement.
