For the first time in 175 years, a scientific journal supports the candidate. Not trump


For the first time in its 175-year history, the American magazine American scientist he supported a run for the White House by stating his preference for Democrat Joe Biden because President Donald Trump “rejects” science.

“We do not do it lightly,” the editors wrote in a harshly published anti-Trump editorial. online for the October issue of the magazine (and with a different title). “The evidence and science show that Donald Trump has seriously harmed America and its people, because he rejects the evidence and science,” they write.

The most devastating example, they say, is the president’s “dishonest and inept response” to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed nearly 200,000 American lives since late February, just before Trump announced a national emergency.

But the coronavirus is just the first in a long list of Trump mistakes and alarming political positions, the editors say, including his “continuing denial of reality” regarding climate change that “clouded” US preparations to combat the crisis. .

“He has also attacked environmental protection measures, health care, and public researchers and scientific agencies that help this country prepare for its greatest challenges,” they add.

“That is why we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who proposes fact-based programs to protect our health, our economy and the environment.” The former vice president “is prepared” with a multitude of plans to control Covid-19, they write.
