Five essential precautions you should take to protect yourself


Coronavirus: five essential precautions you should take to protect yourself. Cases of contamination by new coronavirus They continue to grow, warning of an epidemic in China and the need for a global mobilization to stop pollution. Here’s how to prevent it! Download the free application Portal Mix Vale

In the last days, the new coronavirus appeared in the world press. The epidemic, which started in China, has already left more than 74,000 people infected in the country, in addition to causing more than 2,000 deaths by February 19, 2020.

Concern grows as cases of the disease are confirmed on four continents. The best attitude, then, is to know the most effective forms of prevention. In this content, you will verify What are the 5 essential precautions you should take to protect yourself from the virus?. Keep reading!

Coronavirus vaccine? Learn about the latest information (opens in a new browser tab)

What is the coronavirus?

He coronavirus it is a family of viruses that first manifested in 1937. On December 31, 2019, it was identified a new type of coronavirus, Which originated from the seafood and live animals market in Wuhan City, China.

For causing severe respiratory infections, the virus was known by the acronym SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome or Severe acute respiratory syndrome, in free translation).

Curiosity: the virus got its name because of its shape that resembles a crown.

The types of coronaviruses

The coronavirus has changed over time, so health professionals saw the need to name each type of virus differently.

In the case of the last virus discovered, its initial name was new coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2however, the World Health Organization (WHO), on January 30, 2020, announced the change of the virus nomenclature to COVID-19.

Truths and myths about the new coronavirus in 2020 (opens in a new browser tab)

The name has been changed to suit WHO guidelines, who advise academics not to give names that refer to animals, objects, individuals, or groups of people for discovered viruses.

Learn about the known types below:

  • Beta coronavirus OC43 and HKU1;
  • Alpha coronavirus 229E and NL63;
  • MERS-CoV (which causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS);
  • SARS-CoV (causing severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS);
  • COVID-19 (the most recent type discovered).

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

  • Fever
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Coryza
  • Shortness of breath

Coronavirus can cause respiratory infections by simple cold up to one severe pneumonia. This will depend on several factors, such as age and immunity.

The various types of coronaviruses. cause respiratory illnesses And the most effective way to identify the virus infection is to see a doctor as soon as symptoms appear.

Although they are cold-like symptomsFor example, the doctor can identify the possibility of contamination by the virus by knowing patient travel history or if I had contact with someone who has traveled to China, Japan, South and North Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.

If any of these questions have a positive answer, the doctor will refer the tests to a epidemiological investigation.

How does coronavirus transmission occur?

Initially, it was thought that disease transmission occurred from animals to people, but with the latest developments in China, we know that transmission can also occur from person to person.

The coronavirus vaccine is tested in humans in the United States. USA (Opens in a new browser tab)

The coronavirus is easy transmission And it can be extended in the following ways:

  1. Contact with contaminated objects or surfaces, followed by contact with the mouth, nose or eyes;
  2. Close personal contact, such as contact or handshake;
  3. Cough
  4. Sneeze
  5. Contact with respiratory secretions.

Anyone approaching a meter from an infected person is at risk of becoming infected with the infection.

5 ways to prevent coronavirus

The doctor specialized in infectious diseases at Unimed Fortaleza, Dr. Lícia Borges Pontes, 5 cares that you and your family must have to prevent coronavirus.

The acronym, in English, W-U-H-A-N indicates actions you must take daily to stay protected. Check out the translation below and start practicing them to keep the virus away from your home:

  1. Wash your hands = Wash your hands;
  2. Use mask correctly = Wear protective masks properly;
  3. Check the temperature regularly = Check your temperature regularly;
  4. Avoid large crowds = Avoid large crowds;
  5. Never touch your face with impure hands = Never touch your face with dirty hands.

People with the flu or colds

In the case of people with characteristic symptoms of colds or fluHowever, prevention must also be done with some peculiarities as to what should be done

Here are some tips for you and your family to know what to do if you are already sick:

1- Wear protective masks in public places or when talking to someone;

2- When you cough or sneeze, use disposable tissues and then throw them away or cover your mouth and nose with your arm;

3- Avoid greetings with hugs, handshakes and kisses;

4- Avoid visits to your loved ones if you have the flu.

Is coronavirus curable?

Even without specific virus treatments, the vast majority of infected people evolve to heal. But, despite this information, the severity of the complications that this virus can bring cannot be reduced, since the symptoms are very aggressive to the body

The treatment for diseases caused by the virus, for now, remains that of Support, that is, the focus is on treating the symptoms of the infection, such as fever and cough.

Pay attention!

Now that you know how to prevent coronavirus, apply preventive actions to your routine and that of your family.

in spite of There are still no confirmed cases of the disease in CearáIt is important to be aware of the symptoms.

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Content developed in collaboration with the infectious disease doctor from Unimed Fortaleza, Dr. Lícia Borges Pontes (CRM – 9781 CE) | Infection Control Specialist by UNIFESP | Manager of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the Unimed Hospital | Master in Public Health.

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