Fiscal charge increased for 74 thousand milhões de euros em 2019


In percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the tax burden remains at 34.8% in 2019, plus nominal terms increased 4%, reaching 74 thousand milhões de euros, reveals the second National Institute of Statistics (INE) feira. It is a rise of 2.8 thousand million euros in 2018, the year in which it registered a 6.4% increase.

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“As social contributions make up the component that most contributed to or increased the nominal recipe with an increase of 7.7%. A recipe with indirect taxes increased 3.8% and direct taxes increased by just 0.9% ”, explains the statistic office.

Olhando for the direct imposts, the IRS recipe increased 2% (more 267.5 milhões de euros) and the IRC decreased 2.9% (minus 187 milhões de euros). We indirect or VAT charged increased 5.4% (348 milhões) and or imposto selo 7.6% (mais 114.8 milhões).

A recita do IMT cresceu 3% e a do IMI 1,1% (mais 18,3 milhões). Ja o o amount received as ISP subiu 2.6% (mais 90.5 milhões), whereas the prescription of imposto on or tobacco and imposto on vehicles caiu 6%, and 5.3%, respectively.

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“Comparing with the other countries of the Europe Union, Portugal continued to present a lower than average tax burden (34.7%), which was estimated at 39.4%,” explains o INE. This comparison excluded, however, “the imposts received by Instituições da União Europeia”.

Portugal emerges as the tenth country with the lowest tax burden, above Spain (34.6%), plus Abaixo da Grécia (38.5%) and Itália (42.2%).

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