First night of curfew marked by shootings and beatings


The city of Lisbon was the scene of violence yesterday, on the day that, in the midst of a state of emergency, the measure to prohibit traffic on public roads between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday was enacted due to the covid -19 – and the next two weekends from 13 hours – came into force. On Avenida da Liberdade, two moving vehicles exchanged fire between 10:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Although there was no record of injuries, traffic was conditioned at the junction near the Tivoli Hotel until 7 am yesterday morning.

The perimeter of the crime scene was sealed and inspected by the Judicial Police (PJ). It is known that the occupants of the vehicles began to flee, although the PJ does not know how many were still in the vehicle, saying that the investigation is ongoing and that all options are being analyzed.

On the other hand, that same night, near the Minipreço supermarket on Miguel Bombarda Avenue, in Queluz, a man was seriously injured after being attacked by three others. The victim was left lifeless on the floor and was taken to the hospital, while the alleged criminals fled. According to the CM, the origin of the beating was a settling of accounts or a dispute, since no personal object was stolen from the victim.

Inspection operations The Public Security Police (PSP) began several operations in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area on Monday night, having supervised compliance with the hours of commercial establishments, social gatherings, alcohol consumption and the use of masks on public roads. The first approach of the security forces is to sensitize the public opinion about the new norms, without registering any crime of disobedience.

“There is a high level of compliance,” he told the PSP spokesman, Nuno Carocha, and pointed out that there was also “a high level of knowledge of the work” that the authorities are developing.

As for the number of people who circulated without justification, the mayor pointed out that ten people were identified. “This was the number of situations at the national level” of citizens who circulated without “reasons that fit the exceptions” provided for in the decree drawn up in the Council of Ministers. The PSP spokesperson also stressed that the identified persons returned to their homes “without posing any problem.”

The crime of disobedience, remember, is one that is planned for the Portuguese who do not respect the curfew. For this crime, contemplated in article 348 of the Penal Code, a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine of up to 120 days is foreseen. In practice, defaulters can risk fines of between 120 and 350 euros if they circulate without being under any exception.

Action by the security forces According to data from the General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI), last year 950 complaints were received against the actions of the security forces, the PSP being the most attacked.

“We would like there to be no complaints, but we must not forget that we are a security force that is in the big cities,” stressed the president of the Association of Police Professionals, Paulo Rodrigues, saying that lately there has been greater tension . and the need to restore public order and use greater muscle strength.

“With this I am not underestimating the importance of complaints, but it is also true that most of the complaints investigated result in presentation. It is natural that anyone who has an interaction with the police does not like their performance or the way things were done, despite the fact that the policeman used his legitimacy and complied with the law, ”he shot.

According to Paulo Rodrigues, the ideal was not to use physical force in interventions, but sometimes it ends up being necessary. “Sometimes there are no conditions to do it differently and, if we look at it, there is also an increase in attacks against police officers. It is important that the debate takes place within governments and it is important to look at the security forces and see their needs. For example, if there are two police officers solving a case of disorder, it will be more difficult to control the situation than if there are five or six. Human resources are often lacking, ”concluded the official.
