Few swimmers, no signaling and policemen on motorcycles 4. How the first beach in the country reopened in Porto Santo – Observer


After almost two months banned, the beach on the island of Porto Santo, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, reopened this Sunday, May 10, without a large influx of bathers and without any kind of contempt: it was the first in the country in do what. as part of the second phase of deflation in times of pandemic.

Contrary to what happens, for example, in Cascais, whose autarky admits having military personnel to inspect the arena, in addition to having the intention of acquiring drones to reinforce surveillance, in Porto Santo it is solely and exclusively the Maritime Police that patrol the line. Beach. The inspection is “permanent”, with periodic rounds, and is carried out “with the use of quads”, The Observer confirms the Captaincy of the Port of Porto Santo. The vehicle used makes it possible to cover all the sand, which stretches for nine kilometers. It was also this entity that patrolled the beach during social isolation.

Surveillance is still taking place. “On the basis of raising awareness and recommending users to comply with social distance and avoid crowds of people on the beach” and in the surrounding areas. The distance implies a space of two meters between people. The agglomeration, although there is no official number, refers to a number greater than ten people. These are also the rules for attending the beach, as stipulated by the regional government. In addition, the spas will remain closed, as will the bars, cafes and restaurants that support the beach; There is still no date set for an eventual reopening.

“At this moment there is no [mais] no limitation. Every day is a day, every week is a week. I hope things don’t get complicated ”, the mayor of Porto Santo, Idalino Vasconcelos, comments to the observer, who was one of the few bathers to “open” the beach last Sunday. Until you see, the island’s expanse of sand has no signage, a situation that should be resolved soon, even before summer. “You may have to put up signs and warn of the distance.”

“I think it will not be necessary to use military personnel,” says the mayor, making a comparison with the Cascais beaches. Regarding drones, he admits the possibility of using them, although he does not think it is a necessity, especially since in 2020 tourists will be much less. “This year we have regional and national tourism.” The bathing season should start on June 1.

For the observer, Rubina Brito, from the Environment Department of the City Council, also explains that there was no need to use other means of patrolling and that until now there have been no disagreements. “We have no tourists. The island’s population is 5 thousand inhabitants and most of them did not go to the beach. ” Few bathers and very separated people are also the perception of Rui Gouveia, general manager of the Grupo Sousa hotels in Porto Santo, with several establishments next to the beach.

Rui Mendonça, head of a brewery on the island, says that the police presence is notorious, but that there are no reports of disobedience. “From time to time they travel on a quad, but here, the population takes orders well”, to be continue. Mendonça, who disputes the lack of access to the beach during the state of emergency, also states that, in the first days after the reopening, there were few places that went to the beach. “On Sunday there were still some dives. Not in the second. There were not many people, but the mayor wanted to lead by example, “he says.

“The beaches of Porto Santo have been low in wealth, residents are fulfilling a civic duty of gathering, and only a few citizens are walking on the beach,” the Porto de Porto Santo Captain is also telling the observer. Since April 19, the island has not registered new cases of infection with the new coronavirus.
