Festivals by appointment and refunds allowed only in 2022 – Observer


Music festivals and shows “of a similar nature”, scheduled until September 30, will only be allowed with marked seats and distance rules, and ticket reimbursement only in 2022, according to the proposed law revealed this Friday.

According to the document, which entered Parliament on Friday and will be discussed on the 14th, an exception is made to the ban announced by the government on Thursday in the calendar of summer music festivals and other similar events. .

“Until September 30, shows can only take place indoors or outdoors, with a marked venue and in compliance with the capacity specifically defined by the General Directorate of Health in accordance with the physical distance rules that are appropriate in view of the evolution of the COVID-19 disease pandemic ”, the proposal reads.

The proposal is applicable to the rescheduling or cancellation of shows not performed between February 28, 2020 and September 30, 2020. Anyone who has purchased an event ticket within that period will only be able to claim a refund from January 1, 2022..

Up there You can request a ticket exchange for a coupon “of equal value to the price paid”, valid until December 31, 2021, and this coupon can be used to “buy admission tickets for the same show that will be held on a new date or for other events organized by the same promoter”.

“If the bond is not used before December 31, 2021, the holder is entitled to a refund of the amount, which will be requested within 14 business days,” the document reads.

In Álvaro Covões’ opinion, from producer Everything is New, the proposal “is not substantially different” from the decision communicated after the Council of Ministers on Thursday. “Document from yesterday [quinta-feira] It said that festivals are prohibited until September 30, that is, crowds. From what I understand from the bill, the ban is still in effect, there are no changes. “

The person responsible for the NOS Alive festival, and vice president of the Association of Promoters of Shows, Festivals and Events (APEFE), stressed to the Observer that “without knowing the specific proposal, we are in the field of speculation and assumptions.” “I think industry associations have yet to be heard. We will certainly make our contribution. Then the proposal changes or not, and only after that is it approved and effective. ” Álvaro Covões does not know any date for the APEFE hearing. The bill explicitly says that the Assembly of the Republic must listen to APEFE and also to APORFEST (Portuguese Association of Music Festivals) and the National Consumer Council.

When asked if NOS Alive, scheduled for July 8, 9, 10 and 11 at the Passeio Marítimo de Algés, could happen with marked places and mandatory distance between people, the same person was direct:

“Of course not. The marked seats presuppose seats. But, as I said, we are in the field of speculation, because we do not know the proposed law. We wanted to do the festivals as long as there were security conditions for everyone, but we are not going to against the health authorities. If the government makes these decisions, it is because the health authorities do not want a meeting and we have to respect and comply. “

For his part, João Carvalho, director of the Vodafone Paredes de Coura festival, confessed to having been taken by surprise with the document presented to Parliament. However, he maintains the decision not to hold the 28th edition this year, as reported on Thursday.

“To make a festival of this dimension, it does not seem possible, I do not know the conditions of the proposal, I will wait and see, but certainly not. Coura, this year, there is no possibility, matter resolved. We are distressed, ”he said.

João Carvalho confesses that this could be an opportunity for other companies, since we are at a time when people are “eager for music”, but as for their festival, they are “waiting for better times”.

Karla Campos, director of the EDP Cool Jazz festival, believes that “there is no substantial difference” between the bill on Friday and the government’s announcement on Thursday. “Being at festivals or other events, with the two-meter distance requirement, reduces capacity and interferes with the economic viability of the event, therefore equals total inhibition,” he said.

EDP ​​Cool Jazz 2020 is already lost, with a postponement until 2021. “My festival is with a chair and the first 30 or 40 rows have already been sold. It is impossible to distance yourself. There is not enough space at the Manuel Possolo racecourse [Cascais]. Also, when we negotiate the arrival of the artists, the caches Take capacity into account. Now we can’t change all that. “Karla Campos explained.

Contacted by the Observer, Música no Coração, a promoter responsible for festivals such as Super Bock Super Rock or MEO Sudoeste, awaits approval of the proposal for comment.
