Fernando Medina considers that “it makes a lot of sense” to hold the Fiesta Avante – O Jornal Económico


The mayor of Lisbon, Fernando Medina, defended this Monday that “it makes a lot of sense” to celebrate the Festa do Avante. The mayor of Lisbon considers that the events must adapt to the pandemic situation in the country and take place in a logic of “gradual” reopening, in coordination with the regulations of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

“It makes a lot of sense to have the Festa do Avante,” said the socialist mayor, in his weekly comment space on TVI24. “This virus [da Covid-19] here to stay and none of us want to go back to total confinement. The work that has to be done, and that we have been doing collectively, is to adapt all our activities of daily life to the specific situation of the pandemic ”.

According to Fernando Medina, as with other events, the Festa do Avante should be held “as long as they define and comply with security standards that reduce risks and are in line with what the DGS issues.” “It has been like this with the opening of commercial spaces, with concert halls, with book fairs, with the beach, with sports … Little by little we are learning the rules of the DGS,” he stressed.

In the case of the Festa do Avante, the socialist mayor stressed that it is “an organization of a political party that has, in the Constitution and the law, a special safeguard ensured or derived from the proper functioning of democratic life”, therefore that “political pronouncements” that exceeded the limits and led to an “attempt to condition the PCP to the celebration of the Festa do Avante” are not justified.

Regarding these “attempts at political conditioning” that the PCP pointed out, Fernando Medina pointed a finger at the leader of the PSD, Rui Rio. “Rui Rio went too far. What he says goes far beyond what is a requirement to demand sanitary standards and has entered a field that can be criticized – and the PCP did it and, in my opinion, with good reason – for trying to condition an action. free of political and cultural character “

“If I understand the fears well, I do not understand and do not accept the political pronouncements that manifestly crossed all limits from the point of view of the attempt to condition the PCP to the celebration of the Festa do Avante,” the mayor of Lisbon stressed.

Fernando Medina wished that “everything goes well and safe” in the communist party, which begins next Friday, August 4 in Quinta da Atalaia, in the municipality of Seixal, and ends on Sunday, 6, and welcomed the work carried out by the health authority and the party led by Jerónimo de Sousa: “I congratulate the DGS for the quality of the standards it issued in relation to this event and the way in which the PCP accepted them.”
