Fenprof says there are more than 330 schools with Covid-19 cases. See the list here – O Jornal Económico


Fenprof published the list of 332 public and private establishments where there are or have been cases of covid-19. The teachers union structure says that Covid-19 cases nearly tripled in just over a week. And it threatens to go to court to have access to the updated list of Covid-19 situations in schools, indicating the number of infected people and the procedures adopted, since it has not received a response from the Ministry of Education.

“In just over a week, the number of schools that Fenprof confirmed had had (in the vast majority, still active) cases of Covid-19 almost tripled,” reveals the union federation in a statement, noting that there are, without However, “a significant number in the confirmation phase”, following information that constantly arrives.

According to Fenprof, due to this increase in cases in schools, which in turn also affects communities, “it is certainly contributing to the failure to carry out tests in most schools in which positive cases are detected.” In addition, it ensures that procedures are being adopted contrary to the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, which, it says, further increase the risk.

The union federation here gives examples of schools in which classes enter quarantine periods, but their teachers, without taking any exams, maintain face-to-face activities with other classes. And other cases of classes and elementary schools and / or kindergartens where Covid-19 infections occurred, leading to students, teachers or educators and employees to go into quarantine. “However, without taking any test, the teachers of Special Education, 1st cycle English or with support activity in these classes remain active in other establishments, circulating among them, despite the fact that their situation is unknown. health and the possibility of being active agents of transmission ”, he explains.

Fenprof also points out that throughout the country, in the scope of the performance evaluation process, thousands of teachers travel to different schools to observe the classes of other teachers. This procedure, he says, “requires the displacement, the entry of strangers to the school space and the multiplication of contacts in the classrooms, most of them no longer respecting the necessary distance, and in this period in which strong restrictions are imposed, you must define a procedure. exceptional character that guarantees, to the teacher in evaluation, that he will not be sanctioned ”.

Threat to go to court for an updated list

The teaching union structure also recalls that Fenprof asked the Ministry of Education, on October 8, to access an updated list of Covid-19 situations in schools, indicating the number of infected people and the procedures adopted.

He explains here that “he did so, because it is a right that the law recognizes, especially in matters of safety and health at work” and states that “to date he has not received any response, but if there is none, ten days working days after the date of the request (according to the Administrative Procedure Code, in this case, from October 22), Fenprof will resort to the courts to, through existing legal means, oblige the Ministry of Education to put that information available ”.

For Fenprof, this list is “decisive” for a global assessment of the situation in schools and “making appropriate decisions to the problem that we all experience”, noting that any measure adopted in the field of safety and health at work, if the country is not in a state of emergency or of siege, “it is mandatory to negotiate with the trade union organizations.”

The trade union federation headed by Mário Nogueira reaffirms that “it is not silence, concealment and saying what is said that prevents scaremongering and promotes tranquility and trust that are fundamental for the normal functioning of schools. Failure to test those who have contacted infected people can, at the same time, disguise the dimension of a problem that is no longer small, but will become one of the factors that, in the short term, will lead to a situation of lack of control, and can impose the closure of schools ”. And he adds that “no one forgets the negative consequences for students, teachers and families, of three and a half months of distance education”, considering that “the government can, in the wrong way that it is dealing with Covid -19 in schools , taking responsibility for the growing number of students and teachers at home, classes without face-to-face and even closed schools, all contrary to what they have said to defend ”.

Teachers with a ‘green light’ for teleworking

“Another aspect that is very present in the contacts that teachers, other school workers and parents have established with Fenprof is the increase in cases in which, initially, only one person was infected. However, due to the growing number of situations, which also affect several teachers, they began to be authorized by the General Directorate of Educational Administration to carry out telework activities ”, he reveals.

For the union structure, the use of telework “is not the desired solution, everything must be done to maintain the face-to-face regime.”

However, he continues, the growing number of cases, as a result of what is happening in the community, “justifies that it is an acceptable alternative, because, in the end, it safeguards the right to education of children and young people and responds to two problems related to teachers. : the lack of teachers to replace those who are absent from schools (groups at risk, illness or quarantine); it prevents risk teachers who have been at home for 30 days, starting on the 31st, from receiving a salary, starting to have useful activities for schools ”.

Fenprof applauds “unbundling” of debate on Stay Away Covid app requirement

In a statement, Fenprof ends the statement, applauding the disagreement of the law proposed by the government that required the installation of the Stay Away Covid application, whose discussion in Parliament was scheduled for next Friday, October 23 in Parliament.

“Fenprof welcomes the ‘unbundling’ of the government bill that required the installation of the Stay Away Covid app,” adding that with regard to returning to schools after 10 days without any proof, but required A medical declaration of discharge that attests that there is no longer a risk of contagion, this union structure “affirms its trust in doctors who, without a doubt, will be rigorous in their assessment and will refuse to be elements that facilitate the spread of Covid-19” .
