Fenprof issues ultimatum to the Government and threatens to strike in December


The National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) issued an ultimatum to the Ministry of Education on Friday, threatening a possible strike in December if the tutelage does not schedule a negotiation meeting for the end of next week.

At a press conference, Fenprof’s general secretary denounced that the ministry informed the union structure that the proposals presented on October 8 could not be discussed in the proposed calendar.

Four business proposals are at stake on the regularization of the teaching career, the retirement of teachers, the review of the legal system of competitions and the hours and other working conditions that, according to the Labor legislation in Public Functions, would initiate four processes of business.

When Fenprof appeared within the deadline established by law for this negotiation, the Ministry of Education simply said: ‘Yes, but there is no time and there is no negotiation. I was forced to have an appointment and I was forced to discuss schedules “, denounced Mário Nogueira, accusing the guardianship of placing itself above the law.

On the side of the teacher representatives, Fenprof responds with an ultimatum: either the guardianship marks a first meeting until next Friday, which must take place during the month of November, or the teachers advance with “Stronger fighting forms”.

That day, Fenprof goes to the Ministry of Education to, once again, demand the appointment of this meeting, if it has not yet happened. If you still do not receive a reply, you will go directly to the Prime Minister.

However, the union structure will launch a discussion next week with teachers on ways to fight “If the negotiation block is maintained”, with the resort to the strike already in December, even before the end of the first term.

Our main concern is to dialogue, negotiate and solve problems. What would best respond to those that are the concerns of teachers to gather and have solutions to problems “, stressed Mário Nogueira.

In this meeting, in addition to four business proposals, the representatives of the teachers also want to discuss other urgent problems in education, namely the lack of teachers in several schools and the health security conditions, a subject that has motivated several requests since July not only with the Ministry of Education but also with the General Directorate of Health.

What Fenprof requires are adequate working conditions in schools, taking into account the situation in which we live, conditions that result in better learning for students, who have been severely affected ”.concluded the Secretary General.

Regarding the lack of teachers, Fenprof is preparing a document with several solution proposals, which may include, for example, completing initially incomplete schedules with other academic activities, such as attending or accompanying students who are at home, “creating conditions so that schedules are accepted ”.
