Fences, drones and applications will control beaches – Jornal Economico


Portugal has 481 coastal beaches and, according to a document recently prepared by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), access to them must be controlled through physical fences or even technology, “Expresso” advances in this Saturday’s edition.

According to the text of the APA, consulted by the weekly, there are several proposals for measures on the table, either by the municipalities or by Tourism of Portugal, for example. There are municipalities that suggest the placement of ropes to delimit the safety space between people on the beach, a kind of grid to mark the place of each sun hat, or the installation of sensors at beach accesses to control the capacity.

Drones to monitor the number of bathers, setting time limits on the beach or “loading flags” with different colors to indicate the influx or mobile applications for the same purpose are also included in the document mentioned above.

“Taking the two meters of distance that the DGS defends, the ideal would be to have a maximum of one person for every 10 square meters,” says Carlos Pereira da Silva, a researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa who has collaborated in coastal planning plans. , in the case of Carcavelos beach, in Cascais. The geographer tells the Impresa newspaper that “Portugal is the only country in the world that has defined the comfort carrying capacity of its beaches.”
