FC Porto wants Hulk and Hulk wants FC Porto (but prefers to wait)


The Hulk name returned to the orbit of FC Porto, at a time when the Brazilian is close to becoming a free player: the contract with Shanghai SIPG ends at the end of the year. In this sense, SAD Portoista has an interest in the player and the player has an interest in coming back.

The wills are convergent and have been expressed in some conversations. But there is a strong obstacle: the striker’s salary level.

The Hulk earns around twenty million euros in China and FC Porto stated in talks that the maximum it can reach is two million euros. That is, ten percent of what the player earns at the moment.

The truth is that the Hulk wants to get out of China and knows that he will necessarily have to lower the salary level. But I didn’t expect to get that far. It is not that the player immediately says that he is not from FC Porto: the truth is that he prefers to wait to decide.

Besides FC Porto, Hulk knows there is interest from an MLS club and Palmeiras in Brazil. The forward’s priority would be to return to Europe and only in a second moment will he admit markets such as North America or Brazil. But don’t reject them just yet. The only markets it is staying away from are Asia and the Middle East.

So, at this moment, things are clear: FC Porto wants the Hulk, Hulk wants to return to Europe and he would be delighted to return to FC Porto – for whom he has a huge affection -, the player already knows how far SAD goes Porto wants to go and at this point he prefers to wait for a decision to mature, and even wait for other proposals to emerge.
