FC Porto reacts to Otávio’s punishment: ″ The team started to warm up ″


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Francisco J. Marques, FC Porto communication director, was in Porto Canal this Wednesday.

“Yes, five months later … It is incomprehensible. It was in the last game of last season, at the end of the Portuguese Cup and as a Christmas present, FC Porto receives Otávio’s punishment. We are talking about a factual fact. Otávio said what he said, it is easy to get what he said on television. Otávio himself did not defend himself in any other way. He said what he said and there was nothing more to add. The punishment takes an infinite time and reaches the crucial time when FC Porto will play two games in a few days ”, said Francisco J. Marques, FC Porto communication director, this Wednesday in Porto Canal.

“The notification of the sanction came on the day of the Super Cup, more or less at the moment when the team started to warm up,” added the Porto director, who commented on the two-game sanction applied to Otávio for the statements after the FC Porto-Benfica. in the final of the Portuguese Cup.

“I remember that the Government asked to be given a tolerance point on December 24 and FC Porto did it, gave the tolerance point and then Christmas and the weekend of 26 and 27 passed. Emails are consulted on Monday. And it should also be noted that the sending of notifications was not made to the usual mail. There are a series of strange and unnatural behaviors in this, ”added Francisco J. Marques.

Recalling that FC Porto closes 2020 with three victories – Championship, Portuguese Cup and Super Cup -, in addition to the presence in the final of the League Cup, Francisco J. Marques added: “It seems that whenever FC Porto has these moments of great success we have to find a way to stop this soon, we do not see this happening with other clubs, we see players criticizing the referees and we do not see … We will be careful if the procedures are going to be the same. The natural thing is that the punishment was the first day. Let’s see what the start of 2021 holds for us ”, he concluded.
