FC Porto loses in the secretariat the match that failed in Brest


The EHF understood the absence of the Porto players in Belarus, due to the death of Quintana, but recalled that they needed a result to close the group stage this Thursday.

FC Porto’s absence from last week’s match in Belarus, against Meshkov Brest, was punished with a no show and a 0-10 loss by the European Handball Federation (EHF), which had postponed its decision to understand the drama lived by dragons. : Alfredo Quintana was in a coma and would die.

“The match was scheduled for February 24 and was rescheduled for February 28. The group stage ends on March 4 and there was no possibility of a further postponement, being necessary to open a sanctioning procedure against the Portuguese team,” he says the note of the decision, which frees FC Porto from responsibilities.

“The EHF considers that the inability of the team to play was due to an event that was beyond its control, was unpredictable and irresistible. The jury considers that the club should be exempted from responsibility for not playing, due to the exceptional nature of the cause. However, if a match result was necessary, it was decided to apply the principle of strict liability and consider that, although no blame could be attributed to FC Porto, the club could not go to Brest and play, so Meshkov Brest did so. It is not advisable to suffer the consequences of this situation ”, explained the EHF, to decide that“ the result will be a 0-10 defeat for FC Porto, without any other sanction ”.

The EHF concluded by leaving its condolences for the death of Alfredo Quintana and recalling that the decision is subject to appeal.

With this defeat, FC Porto remains in sixth place in Group A, with 10 points, but can no longer reach Meshkov Brest, who is fourth and has 13.

The Porto team needs to beat Elverum in Dragão, this Thursday (7:45 pm), in order to still take fifth place away from Pick Szeged, who has 12 points and plays at the same time with PSG, in Paris. The dragons have an advantage in direct confrontation with the Hungarians.

If they do not add the two points, FC Porto will be able to face Kiel in the round of 16, as the reigning European champions are third in Group B and must maintain that position, or else they will have to face Veszprém (second in the group), if Vardar (9 points) beat Meshkov Brest in this last round and climbs to sixth place in Group A.
