Fanny disgusted with the decision of TVI and Endemol – A Televisão


Hélder’s attitude continues to give much to talk about, even after the punishment of “Big Brother” is known. The Portuguese will decide if Hélder deserves to stay in the game, and the decision is known next Sunday.

On social media, reactions to this punishment attributed by Big Brother are multiplying. There are those who agree with this decision, however, there are many people defending the competitor.

“Everyone deserves a second chance”“I think it is very unfair if he leaves, he made a mistake, but it is not worth commenting on” and “I cannot leave” were some of the comments made on the official website of Big Brother.

Fanny Rodrigues, a former competitor of “Casa dos Segredos” was upset with the decision to produce “Big Brother”.

But is everything alright ?! They’re making the poor boy a beast! Something that is not! I follow BB on the reality show, I can see how sweet and “silly” he is! Are you using Helder to get attention? Transmit a message for all the years of reality that could not pass?“He started by saying.

“If you are sexist, ZEZÉ CAMARINHA, what is it? So many people who spent months with inappropriate behavior on a TV show and NOTHING did! Something he said in a tone without malice … for heaven’s sake! What you’re doing to him is bull. Of course, if he is straight, it is normal for him to have said that he was not “homo”! Without any evil and they are making a seven-headed beast my God! LESS Endemol“, Finished.

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