Family life in the municipality of Cantanhede translates into 17 cases


mea press release sent to the Lusa agency, the ARSC explains that the outbreak of the new coronavirus Cantanhede started 14 days ago, on the 25th August, and “at this time, it consists of two ‘groups’ [grupos]”, being isolated prophylactic 62 “risk contacts” out of 17 infected.

“Geographically, it expands through the União de Freguesia de Portunhos me Tool, parish of Hip and Union of Parishes of Cantanhede and Pocariça. The beginning and the contexts of both ‘clusters’ are fundamentally inserted in family and social life ”, says the regional health entity.

The statement also says that having identified a “professional relationship” with the Ferreira Freire Foundation (located in the parish of Portunhos and which has a nursing home with more than a hundred users) “it was decided to consider the users and professionals of this institution as possible contacts”, having identified 189 people, all tested to a possible infection by COVID-19-19.

Although without revealing how many positive cases were identified in the institution of social solidarity, the note of the ARSC He ends up admitting that they exist, stating that “none of the cases required hospital follow-up, and the situation could be considered controlled, naturally requiring attention.”

Heard by Lusa, the president of the municipality of Cantanhede, Helena Teodósio, confirmed the “totally controlled” situation in the social institution, calling it a “natural priority” for the municipality’s services, given its size, since it brings together 120 users. and 85 employees.

“All people were tested using zaragatoas” Said mayor, specifying that the number of cases, “all asymptomatic“, was” less than three “and therefore cannot be specified.

However, Helena Teodósio refuted the figures released by the ARSC, ensuring that they report “not three but six parishes” of the municipality, some outside of family life “that have nothing to do with this” and include data on more than a dozen people, not residents of the municipality.

A mayor He also questioned why the Cantanhede figures were released by the regional health authority, when “it did not do so in other situations” in the Coimbra district since the beginning of the pandemic.

“We have always been monitoring the situations that arise, conducting tests or delivering materials, either with the nursing professionals of ARS, or with the health delegate, who whenever there were changes sent the list [dos novos casos]. This time [no surto iniciado em 25 de agosto] not the Protection Civil [municipal] not the GNR They had no data on anything and, when we found out that there were new cases and this situation arose, we asked for the list of positives and people in quarantine, which just arrived this morning, ”said Helena Teodósio.

The problem, according totimes Municipal, is that according to the regulations, “the information on the list is confidential.”

“But if the data can be disclosed after all, I no longer know what is confidential. And this information [da ARSC] does not match the data in the list, there are isolated contacts Mealhada or Coimbra and appear as Cantanhede “, argued the mayor.

On the other hand, Helena Teodósio questioned why the disseminated data “covers everything”, saying that it is strange that “for the first time it is said that it has to do with family and social life, when it is known, so it is on the list , which some do not have “.

“Stranger is that this information is disclosed at the same time that two political parties, PS and Chega, came to talk about private parties. If they did, it is because they had some source that gave them that information. Something in this process is Mira mal , there is no transparency or institutional respect for the municipality of Cantanhede ”, Helena Teodósio lamented.

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