Family dinners? Yes, it is possible if with “the necessary precautions” because “none of us wants a second wave” of the pandemic – News story


When asked about the compatibility between the permission for meetings of up to 10 people conferred by the current calamity situation in the country and the need to maintain safety standards, Diogo Cruz, deputy director-general of Health, said that the care provided must have “cannot exceed 8 to 80”.

“We have to be aware that it is true that we are leaving the state of emergency, but it is also true that we still have the disease in Portugal,” recalled the official.

Regarding the meeting scenarios between family or friends, Diogo Cruz said that they are allowed, but only “with due precautions, with due social distance” and without adhering to the “molds that we used to do in the past.”

To this end, “one should try to maintain the rules that we have up to now maintained” albeit with “more freedom and more permissions than we previously had.” These include measures “whether physical distance, respiratory label or hand washing,” recalled the deputy director general of Health.

Continuing to respect them is crucial, since “none of us wants a second wave” of the pandemic, “we all must play our role as public health agents,” he said.

During the conference, the Deputy Director General for Health confirmed the existence of a male death between the ages of 20 and 29, the first fatality in Portugal in this age group, but declined to “comment” on “specific issues” of individual cases.

Diogo Cruz also refused to react to the alert of the Portuguese Medical Association and the Council of Portuguese Medical Schools before the risks posed by the use of visors, instead of masks, in terms of public health. The deputy director general of Health referred to the explanations given yesterday by Graça Freitas, who emphasized that the face protection visors do not dispense with the use of a mask, adding that “There are advantages and disadvantages to wearing a visor or mask. “

The government hired more than 2,300 health professionals during the pandemic and wants to reopen competitions for doctors

During the conference, António Lacerda Sales, Secretary of State for Health, announced that “more than 2,300 health professionals were hired by the institutions of the National Health Service (SNS)”, who, he recalled, “are authorized to contract directly within from the Covid-19 range. “

This number includes “about 750 nurses, more than 100 doctors, about 1100 operational assistants, 150 senior diagnostic and therapeutic technicians and 150 technical assistants, among other professionals” who appreciated the “availability” and the “valuable and invaluable ” work they’ve been doing. “

“We will continue to strengthen, prepare and strengthen the SNS, so that it can provide answers to those in need, whether in childbirth, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment,” guaranteed Lacerda Sales.

In addition to this accounting, the Secretary of State reported that, just as the rest of society is “taking small steps towards normalization”, health is also “following this path” and, as such, “evidence will resume” final evaluation of the first period of medical practices in 2020 “.

“The tests were suspended on March 18 due to circumstances everyone knows, but developing skills to access and enter special health careers is essential for us to have more medical specialists on the NHS,” the government official recalled.

By his order, the tests will take place “starting June 8 and the final evaluation process must be completed before July 3,” said Lacerda Sales.

Despite the fluctuations, there has been “a steady and steady reinforcement of the test level”

Portugal has already carried out more than 459,000 diagnostic tests since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, which corresponds to an average of 44,000 tests per million inhabitants, said António Lacerda Sales, considering that the amount and average of tests The carried out place Portugal “in a comfortable position in European terms”.

The day when the most tests were performed was April 30, with “more than 15,000 tests,” the minister said, acknowledging that fewer tests were performed on weekends, “not because there is a lower offer, which remains constant, but because there is less demand, as, by the way, it is understood ”.

António Lacerda Sales said there has been “a steady and steady reinforcement of the test level,” despite fluctuations in daily numbers.

On May 1, the number of tests was 12,501 and on Saturday, 2, “more than ten thousand tests” were carried out.

“Over the weekend, the demand was lower and this will explain the lesser number of tests, but there was a recovery, guaranteed, during Monday and Tuesday,” he stressed.

Portugal represents 1,074 deaths associated with covid-19 in 25,702 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest daily bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) on the pandemic.

In relation to the previous day, there are 11 more deaths (+ 1%) and 178 more cases of infection (+ 0.7%).

Of the infected people, 818 are hospitalized, of which 134 are in intensive care units, and the number of cases recovered rose from 1,712 to 1,743.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 251,000 deaths and infected nearly 3.6 million people in 195 countries and territories.
