Famalicão without new greedy patients for five days.


The ten municipalities of the Viana do Castelo district, grouped in the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of Alto Minho, will not authorize pilgrimages, parties and similar events that will last until September 30, to prevent the spread of covid-19, said that build today.

In a statement sent to the newsrooms, the CIM of Alto Minho, based in Ponte de Lima, reported that the decision was made today by the Inter-municipal Council “in view of the serious risks to public health associated with the spread of the covid-19 pandemic. ” in the region and after a meeting with the president of the Alto Minho Local Health Unit (ULSAM), the Alto Minho health delegate, the director of the District’s Social Security Center and the district’s Civil Protection commander.

In the note, the Alto Minho CIM said that the decision of its Inter-municipal Council was made following the Government’s guidelines regarding the prohibition of festivals and similar situations until September 30 and the Episcopal Conference on the postponement of festivals, pilgrimages and other activities. Also until the end of September.

Portugal represents 1,114 deaths associated with covid-19 in 27,268 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest daily bulletin from the General Directorate of Health (DGS) on the pandemic.

In relation to the previous day, there are 9 more deaths (+ 0.8%) and 553 more cases of infection (+ 2%).

Of the infected people, 842 are hospitalized, of which 127 are in intensive care units, and the number of cases recovered rose from 2,258 to 2,422.

Portugal entered a calamity situation on Sunday, after three consecutive periods of emergency since March 19.

This new phase of the fight against the covid-19 provides for mandatory confinement for sick people and under active surveillance, the general duty of home collection and the mandatory use of masks or visors in public transport, public assistance services, schools and commercial establishments.
