Extreme rain ruined the forecasts


The extreme rains that mainly affected northern Madeira on Christmas Day enraged some of those affected, as the weather was not forecast by the IPMA. Miguel Albuquerque refuses to point to “scapegoats” and sent explanations to Victor Prior, who told the newspaper that the warning of extreme weather conditions was highly unpredictable, acknowledging that it had rained “more than expected.”

The Regional Government expects a certain normality to be restored in Ponta Delgada between Monday and Tuesday. “We have already started cleaning and we want to have everything ready by next Monday. We are working on that ”, Miguel Albuquerque said yesterday, during the visit to the parish most affected by the storm that hit Madeira on Christmas Day.

José António Garcês, mayor of São Vicente, monitors the cleaning work and damage assessment in the parishes of the municipality affected by the festive storm. On this day, the mountains were transformed into authentic ‘colanders’, running water, stones, branches and mud towards the villages. There is a trail of destruction in the two most affected parishes of São Vicente and a collective memory that is difficult to erase. Miguel Freitas, president of the Freguesia Board, traveled on a ferry, between the early hours of yesterday and the afternoon, to the point of telling us that “he was everywhere”, he was so worried and asked to be there to help everyone they were there for him. called. Impressed, he classified this trail of destruction as “tragedy.”

Another issue that has been raised in today’s edition is the announcement by the President of the Regional Government that the first vaccines against covid-19 should arrive in Madeira this Monday and that the vaccination process will begin before the end of the year. “The schedule is done. The prime minister was careful to call me. We are going to start vaccination by health professionals who are at the forefront ”, he said.

It is called the Madeira Wine Route and it takes about half a hundred professionals from different fields linked to the tourism sector to undertake a journey of knowledge towards the ‘nectar’ that the pearl of the Atlantic so symbolizes. The actions, guided by Rubina Vieira, head of the Educational Actions Office of the IVBAM, end with a tasting with various styles of the precious nectar, where the apprentices have the opportunity to taste and record some notes from this test.

Read more about these and other news in the printed edition of this Sunday, December 27 in JM-Madeira.
