Expresso-SIC survey: Marcelo loses eight points, greater abstention declared in center and right


From December until now, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa lost eight points in the latest survey conducted by ISCTE / ICS for Expresso and SIC: from 66% to 58%. The advantage is very great for the duo that disputes the second place -but this is confirmed that it is a taco to taco dispute-: Ana Gomes rises, but marginally, from 13% to 14.5%, while André Ventura reaches 12 , 5% of voting intentions, 3.5 percentage points more than a month ago. The difference between the two is now two points, within the survey’s margin of error (which is 3%).

Below, the fight between the representatives of the left-wing parties was totally tied: Marisa Matias loses one point, João Ferreira raises one – and the two now have 6% of the voting intentions. The fieldwork of this survey, it should be noted, began two days after the end of the television debates between the different candidates – where Marisa Matias had the greatest difficulty in standing out – and lasted until last Monday, when António Costa announced new restrictions on second confinement.
