Express Tribune | Security reasons lead to room change in Rui Pinto’s trial


After all, Rui Pinto’s trial will not take place in the largest room of the Lisbon Criminal Court, on the ground floor, as planned. A security report delivered today to the judicial authorities advised against the use of that room (where, for example, the instruction of Operation Marqués was carried out), considering that the necessary security conditions were not met, he told Quick source close to the process.

Thus, although there was no concrete threat, the trial will take place in a smaller room, on the sixth floor of the court, where it will be “easier to guarantee the safety not only of the accused but of all those involved,” explains the same source. Immediate consequence: there will be fewer people inside the room and instead of the ten journalists who were scheduled for the room, after all, there will only be eight.

Initially, Judge Margarida Alves, chair of the judging panel, scheduled the trial for the sixth floor courtroom. But the judicial authorities understood that this media trial should take place in the largest courtroom, with more space for the media. The interior of the room was filmed on television. But on Friday, when the trial begins, it will be on floor six.

Rui Pinto is accused of 90 crimes and has been in preventive detention for a year and a half. Now he is part of a witness protection program because the judicial authorities considered that he is “in danger of life” and has already suffered threats “from Portugal and abroad.”

The trial is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on September 4.

Rui Pinto: “While Portugal requested the extension of my arrest warrant, a Hungarian minister received VIP tickets from Benfica”

The Football Leaks author spoke to Der Spiegel magazine about the end of pretrial detention, the impact of Football Leaks, Doyen and Benfica. The German magazine shared with him Quick the second part of the interview with Rui Pinto, whose trial begins next Friday
