Experts say teleworking is here to stay but carries risks


The “The risk of invasion of private and family time by work” makes the telecommuting a “phenomenon with dangerous dimensions for workers”, warns João Leal Amado, professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.

“There was always a lot of resistance” to telecommuting, “of all, of workers, of employers”, first of all because it has always been admitted that, “in practice, it could not allow a better reconciliation of professional and personal life, but would end up mixing these two life plans of people and practically makes working hours unlimited, “he says.

“The person no longer has time references and begins to have to be practically available and working at any time,” says the professor of Labor Law.

“The telecommuting It seems that you have never worked so hard in your life, “summarizes the economist José Castro Caldas, considering that” it is much heavier and much less efficient “than face-to-face work.

“There is little to replace work collective, in the context of organizations, whatever they are, interaction face to face, from this work collective, that ideas arise, “he stresses, noting that relationships interpersonal digitally “they are a source of difficulties in understanding and empathizing with others.”

Recognizing that “there must be facets of telecommuting they are creative and liberating, in the sense that they allow us to manage more with flexibility our time “, Castro Caldas does not doubt that” there are others who are absolutely impoverishing

Therefore, in the future, the use of telecommuting it will have to be “very selective“He believes. Even because there is a risk of” exhaustion “, the researcher warns COLLABORATIONlaboratory collaborative for work, employment and protection where he coordinates a line of research on work and employment.

“In a way, we are watching a bit of the film about what the world would be like without social contact at work and I don’t think we like what we are seeing,” observes sociologist Paulo Pedroso.

“Suddenly, the fact that almost everyone at risk of losing their job around the world reminded us how important employment is to our social identities, not just because of income, but because of interaction social, “he notes.

“If there is something that is clear from what happened, it is the enormous importancencia that, in the lives of the vast majority of people, work, “confirms João Leal Amado.

Adaptation of legislation to stream The crisis has largely passed through labor relations, which “is the best proof to contradict what many had said, that work had almost died and had lost its social centrality,” he points out.

António Brandão Moniz, professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, says that the telecommuting “it has all the potential to increase after” the current crisis, which triggered “some important changes”, which “have to do, in particular, with the possibility that it is now more evident to carry out the work in a mainly digital way , in the distancencia, not present at a specific workplace. “

Until now, the telecommuting had an isolated app, it was “frowned upon by commercial entities, often reluctant, because they think they no longer have control over the worker and over the execution of work, “he points out, giving as an example the resistance of call center operators in adoptalready on time pandemic.

The telecommuting – Not always, but in certain cases – “it should be applied more, especially so that it can withstand situations of workers who, for some reason, have to stay home to provide for the family or for a particular problem,” he says.

“Who wanted to execute ways of telecommuting occasionally, for different reasons, he now realizes that this is easier, “he emphasizes.

At the same time, companies have also had to organize this modality and will be able to “evaluate the results of its application”.

This does not mean that “the telecommuting in itself is good, it can be good in some circumstancetonces, but it can also bring other risks, which are often not even remarkable for those who work, “admits Brandão Moniz.

The balance between advantages and disadvantages is “difficult to achieve” and, therefore, the telecommuting it has to be “negotiated” between the parties, he emphasizes.

“I admit that this will no longer return, in the sense of returning to the previous situation. Despite everything, it has been shown that there is a very broad set of Activities that remote workers can doncia, from home and not having to travel to the company, “says Leal Amado.

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