Experts argue that “there will be no conditions” to reunite the family at Christmas this year – Nacional


The question that most arises in recent days is: what will Christmas be like? Prime Minister António Costa was questioned about this uncertainty on Saturday, November 21, during the press conference in which he announced the new measures of the state of emergency, but only said: “It would be very strange if the emergency measures were not implemented at Christmas. “.

As for the experts, the opinion is that not only will there be measures, but that Christmas will have nothing to do with that of other years. “Given this situation that has been occurring for a long time, and despite all the measures already taken, there will be no conditions for family reunions at Christmas time”, defends Francisco Antunes, coordinating professor of the Institute of Environmental Health of the Lisbon School of Medicine. , Saturday”.

The former director of the infectious diseases service of the Hospital de Santa María goes further and even says: “If we want to celebrate next Christmas, and the next I don’t mean this one, but next year, we have to forget this one. forget this Christmas to save 2021 “.

In the same sense, New Year’s Eve will not have the usual brightness and celebration, since the virus does not happen with the holidays and is reason enough to aggravate the pandemic situation. “There can be no trips or celebrations because two close people already represent a risk situation, especially in closed places such as restaurants, bars or cafes, where the use of masks is more difficult., continues the expert.

While Francisco Antunes is strict with the analysis of Natal and puts as an example his Consoada that “he will spend with caution with the family” with whom he lives, says Dr. Jaime Nina, specialist in infectious diseases at the Egas Moniz Hospital. alternatives to families.

“Obviously it will be a very poor Christmas, but use Skype, Zoom or just the phone to give the family a kiss”, suggests, adding that the post office will be a good choice for exchanging gifts, in order to avoid physical contact.

Should we put all our hope in the vaccine?

We have the idea that the vaccine will be the solution to the end of the pandemic and until, after the results of the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, as well as that developed by the University of Oxford, the closing of this chapter is closer and closer.

However, experts warn. “It is not enough to exist, it is necessary for the vaccine to get here. It will need planning. It must be distributed and after the majority of the population agrees to be vaccinated,” says infectiologist Francisco Antunes. That is why these preventive measures, called non-pharmacological, will continue even beyond vaccines. This will not be solved by vaccines alone, I guarantee it today. “, he adds.

Specialist Jaime Nina also sees potential in vaccines and is equally cautious. “It will not be enough to stop the virus, but it will stop the pandemic and only a few residual numbers remain,” he says, predicting that Portugal will receive around 16 million doses, an insufficient number if two doses per person are needed.

Christmas in the coming years may therefore be relieved by the approval and distribution of vaccines, but for now, both experts argue that It will only be a matter of time before “Christmas is canceled”, with new emergency measures to restrict movement and keep people in their homes, say “Saturday”.
