EXCLUSIVE: Neurologist Reveals To PB Now That Novel Coronavirus Infections May Promote Greater Stroke


With the growing perception that the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus causes neurological changes and may cause the formation of microcoagulants in blood vessels, doctors who are at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic begin to fear an increase in cases of Cerebral cerebrovascular accident (CVA) related to covid-19. Some hospitals are already studying protocol changes for these patients to investigate whether they have the virus.

Neurosurgeon Rafael Holanda, one of the most recognized and respected neurosurgeons in Campina Grande, said in an interview with PB Agora, that Covid-19, in fact, may contribute to increased stroke. This is because the coronavirus can reach the brain intranasally before reaching the lung.

“By analyzing the brains of deceased patients, they discovered that corona virus can reach the brain intranasally before reaching the lung. In rapid multiplication, microcoagulation can occur and consequent vascular accident. They suggest that this condition occurs as a result of disturbances in the coagulation process due to the action of the coronavirus. In addition to therapy, they are using anticoagulants for better protection, “the neurologist told PB Agora.

The concern has been taking shape with the increase in reports by doctors from other countries about these cases. Recently, the American newspaper The Washington Post published a report in which professionals from Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital, in New York, report an increase in healthy patients between 30 and 40 years who had a stroke, in which later identified the presence of the coronavirus.

Chinese researchers have previously published observational, case series-type studies with covid-19 patients who had a stroke, and similar reports have been made by Spanish doctors, but have not yet been sent to scientific publications.

Doctors at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan, USA. In the US, they also noted that young, healthy, 30- to 40-year-old patients suffer a stroke due to infections with the new coronavirus.

Neurologists from some hospitals in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have identified the occurrence of at least three similar situations, but which still need further investigation. However, the expectation of doctors is that this scenario will become more evident in the coming weeks, when the epidemic reaches its peak.

Severino Lopes
PB Now
