“Except Lincoln, no one has done more for the black community than me.”


reAfter a first meeting that succumbed to cacophony, Acting President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden they were on Thursday night (Friday morning in Portugal) in a much softer debate, especially on the part of the Republican leader, who, maintaining the same positions, radically changed the way he expressed them.

In a debate moderated by the journalist from NBC News, Kristen Welker, from Belmont University in Nashville, capital of Tennessee, the candidates met for the last time before Election Day on 3 November.

Donald Trump abandoned the comprehensive halt strategy, which made it almost imperceptible the fact that the microphone was turned off during the opponent’s first two minutes of airtime, a move taken by the Presidential Debate Committee after the chaos of 29 September. Yes, there were interruptions, but both candidates managed to get the message across more clearly.

The Republican leader interrogated Joe several times Biden About his tenure as vice president, he asked him, with every criticism launched by the Democrat, why he did nothing. Joe Biden, in turn, made use of the ability to finish sentences to take on more peremptory: “I am running as a proud Democrat, but I will be an American president. I don’t see the colors of the states.”

Administration of pandemic

Donald Trump was the one who started talking about the management of pandemic, indicating that “2.2 million people were expected to die” in the United States due to the new coronavirus, to make a comparison with reality (222 thousand deaths, currently). The president, however, refers to data published by Imperial College London, in March, which predicted 2.2 million deaths if steps were not taken to combat the virus. He also indicated that he quickly made the decision to close the borders with China, that “the death rate is falling”, that his administration “is fighting pandemic vigorously ”and that“ goes away ”. “There are spikes, but they will soon disappear”.

Another surprising statement: “The vaccine will be ready in a few weeks”. Asked by the moderator about this schedule, Trump replied that “it is not a guarantee.” The journalist insists, underlining that regulators indicate that they are not yet close to considering the authorization of a vaccine. “My calendar is the most law”, He indicated.

Joe Biden He began by saying that the country has more than 220,000 dead. “There is nothing more I can say,” he said, emphasizing that the responsible person “cannot continue as president of the United States”. “We are about to go through a dark period and he does not have a clear plan, and there is no perspective for a vaccine to be available to most Americans before the middle of next year, “he added.

Trump disagreed, taking up the arguments he had already made in the previous debate, on 29 September, where he repeated several times that he closed the borders with China and that his opponent described the measure as “xenophobic.” “I even think he called me a racist, because I am closing the borders with China. Now he says he should have closed earlier, “he said, though Biden they have not yet been issued in relation to the decision in question. “It is xenophobic, but not because it has closed the borders with China,” he said. Biden later.

The last minutes of the debate in this segment, with both candidates already with the microphones on, invited a slight increase in tone. “I don’t think we’re going to go through a ‘black period’ at all,” Trump said, noting that “we are learning to live with this.” “He says we are learning to live with this, people are dying with this,” he replied. Biden, Talking directly for him screen, a tactic you have had since the last debate. “You, who are at home, who have an empty chair in the kitchen, the man or the woman who is going to bed tonight and who tries, out of habit, to touch the place where the wife or husband was. Do you learn to live with it? We are in denial. Because he never said it was dangerous. “

Pressured by the Democrat to speak of responsibility, Donald Trump was able to assume it, something he did not do before, while dispersing it. “I take full responsibility, but it is not my fault that [o vírus] he came here, it’s China’s fault. “

To respond to the measures indicated by Joe Biden to contain the pandemic keeping business open, Trump decided to resume a criticism that he had already made through Twitter, exactly in the same words, where he called New York City “ghost town”, an attack direct an Andrew Cuomo, Democratic Governor of the state with the same name. “Restaurants are dying and separating plexiglass it is incredibly expensive and is not the answer. Will a person sit in a cubby wrapped in plastic? ”.

Joe Biden he responded more fully. “I don’t look at states like him, blue states [democratas] and red states [republicanos]. They are all the United States of America, ”he said, noting that the states with the most outbreaks of infections They are the Republicans. “But they are all Americans, they are all Americans. What we have to do first is tell people to wear masks. “

Trump taxes, again

In the national security segment, both candidates exchanged various accusations about allies or relatives who presumably received money or has ties to foreign countries such as China, Russia, Iran or Ucragirl. It is at this point that the question of the current president’s tax return arises. “We learned that this president paid 50 times more taxes in China [do que nos Estados Unidos]Who has a bank account in China, does business in China and is talking to me about money? I never accepted a penny from a foreign country, never “, questioned Biden, appealing to the opponent to reveal their tax return. “I gave all my statements … 22 years. The president never published a year. What are you hiding? “.

“First of all, I called my Accountants, what are they being audited. I will release my statements as soon as we can. “Trump responded, stating that the audit prevents disclosure of the statements, which is false. The president went on to say that he paid “tens of thousands of dollars” and that he is “very badly treated by finances” and “the target of a witch hunt three years ago.” “No president has been treated like this,” he concluded, before returning to focus on the family of Biden.

“There is a reason he has this shit. He does not want to talk about substantial issues. It’s not about your family or mine. It’s about your family. And your family is suffering a lot. This morning I was sitting at the kitchen table thinking that she can’t buy new tires, she has to wait another month. (…) We should be talking about their families, but it’s the last thing he wants to talk about ”, Joe said Biden.

Here, Trump accuses Biden be “a typical politician.” “Let’s get off the China issue and talk about sitting at the table. Come on Joe, you can do better. “

Racism us United States

Kristen Welker asked an open question in the segment on racial tension in United States, challenging both candidates to explain, directly for African American families, their insecurity is understandable. Biden started. “I never had to tell my daughter that if she stops in trafficrequirement you should immediately put both hands on the steering wheel and do not open the glove compartment, as it can be shot. But a black father, rich or poor, has to teach his son that when you walk down the street you cannot wear a hood “. The democrat ends by saying that “there is institutional racism in America.”

Trump said he perceived insecurity and then chose not to speak directly black families, attacking Joe before Biden. “He was in government and never did anything,” Trump said, accusing him of being “just talkative and small. action“. “No one has done more for the black community than Donald Trump. If they see well, with the exception of Abraham Lincoln, nobody did more than me “he said, speaking of reforms in justice and the prison system. It should be noted that two weeks ago, Vice President Mike Pence said it was offensive to say that there was systemic racism in United States.

Joe Biden he refuted these claims, recalling that Trump even said that “the problem with the law is that there are not enough people in jail.” “He is the most racist president in recent history, he fuels all the racist ‘fires'”, He said.

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