Evacuated hostel in Lisbon. Portugal with 714 deaths


Portugales records 687 deaths associated with the disease Covid-19 in 19,685 confirmed cases of infection, according to the last newspaper DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) on pandemic. Of people infected1,253 are hospitalized, of which 228 are in intensive care units, and 610 have been cured.

A pandemic caused by the new coronavirus already exceeded 157 thousand dead and infected almost 2.3 million people worldwide since December, According to the latest data. The United States is currently the most affected the world, with more than 38 thousand deaths in more than 730 thousand cases of infection reported.

At European level, Italy is still the most shocked by pandemic, with 23,227 deaths since the beginning of pandemic in the country on the 21st Februaryand cases of infection which now amount to 175,925. Spain now has a total of 20,043 deaths and 191,726 cases of infection.

Follow THE MINUTE the latest news in the Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world:

11:55 am – Portugal registered 27 more deaths and 521 cases of infection in the last 24 hours The country now has 714 deaths and 20,206 cases of infection. This daily increase in deaths is the lowest number in a week.

11:23 am Mental health teams must “remain in office for the duration of the pandemic The Mental health services should provide “easy access and guaranteed confidentiality” spaces for health professionals, and should be adopted “Stricter Admission Criteria” for Acute Patients, refers to a Direction-General health (DGS)

11:10 am – A “new normal” in health? People infected (or even suspicious) with the new coronavirus and elderly in total protection may become a “new normal” for humanity due to the pandemicDavid warned this Sunday Nabarro, member of the World Health Organization.

11h08 – Evacuated hostel in Lisbon. A hostel with about 200 people located on Rua Morais Soares, in the Arroios parish, in Lisbon, was evacuated this morning. due to a positive case of Covid-19.

10:49 am – Chartered plane arrives in Lisbon with medical equipment. Sixty-five fans bought by the Portuguese government from a Chinese company arrived in Lisbon on a chartered plane today, along with other medical equipment, including face masks. protection respiratory

10:30 am – A Belgium today it registers another 1,313 confirmed cases of Covid-19, totaling 38,496 cases and a total of 5,683 deaths (230 more compared to Saturday). However, the number of hospitalized patients is decreasing. There are 4,871 hospitalized patients, 198 fewer than yesterday.

10:12 am – Spain registers 410 more deaths in the last day, the lowest number since 22 March. The death toll is now 20,543. This is positive news from the neighboring country, which still has 4,218 new cases of infection, raising the total infected at 195,944.

The state of emergency has been in force in Spain since 15 March and now it will run until 9 May, expressing the will of the Spanish executive to alleviate the confinement of 27 April. Then a relation of the number of deaths in the countryside

10:07 am – New cases in Russia. This Sunday, the country reported 6,060 new cases of infection for the new coronavirus, the largest daily increase since the beginning of pandemictotaling 42,853 cases in total. The new coronavirus has killed a total of 361 people in Russia.

Vladimir Putin This Sunday he sent the traditional Easter message to the Russian Orthodox Christian people, where he took the opportunity to ensure that, despite the increasing number of infections and deaths caused by pandemic, “The situation is under full control”.

9:55 am – Two more doctors died in Madrid. The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel. Diaz Ayuso, paid tribute to two health professionals who died victims of Covid-19 during the weekend. Joaquin Diaz Dominguez, 64 years old, head of the general surgery service at Hospital La Paz, and Jesus Cowboy, head of neurosurgery at the university hospital. Door from Iron.

9:34 am Pandemic paralyzes the black market for luxury goods in China. With the provision of property and car to pay, Yang Yang recently lost his lucrative source of income: the resale of luxury goods in China, brought from Europe under the ‘tax exemption’ for non-residents.

9:30 amDoctors Without Borders support homes in Lisbon. The organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Portugal supports the fight against pandemic from Covid-19 in the houses of Greater Lisbon, where he found very dedicated professionals who, even at risk, help the most vulnerable to overcome fear.

9h08 – Boris Johnson can return to work as soon as next week. The Sun newspaper quotes a source close to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who assures that, although he was advised to remain idle, the priority is to lead the planning of the “reopening” of the country after 11 May, the day the state of emergency ends.

9:00 am – Pregnant women receive dirty masks in Japan. Hundreds of Japanese pregnant women have complained this weekend of receiving masks of protection stained by the government following the movement of Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, to reuse old clothes to produce facial masks protection.

8:47 am – The danger of the mafia in Italy. In statements made to the station television CNNRobert Saviano, journalist and author of the book ‘Gomorrah‘, reports, “the traffickers have already taken advantage of the lack of vigilncia authorities in ports and airports “ to increase influence

An opinion shared by the head of the Italian police, Franco Gabrielliwho explains that the mafia already has a reinforced presence in sectors economy “that were not blocked by the restrictions of the Covid-19such as agriculture and the food chain, the supply of medicines and medical equipment, and road transport. “

8:30 am – Health authorities brittosingle reinforce the warning to not meet with friends or family, for the cases asymptomatic. It is possible to be infected, without knowing and infecting others. “If one of your friends or family is still doing this, they are putting lives at risk”, warn the authorities.

8:20 am Australia This Sunday he joined the ‘chorus of voices’ that, worldwide, demand that an investigation be carried out with a view to the true origin of the new coronavirus and those responsible for the fact that it has acquired a global scale.

8:10 am – the vicedirector of the Institute of Virology from WuhanYuan Zhiming, this Saturday, broke the silence to refute accusations by various countries (including the United States) that this was the place of origin of the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

7:59 am – Validated by the president’s statements, Jair Twitter, dozens of pro protestersTwitter partially blocked at least two hospitals. Protesters honked at John Doria, Governor of São Paulo, for the applied restriction measures.

On social media, the protests, faced with almost crowded hospitals Covid-19.

7:55 amGermany down in numbers, With 2,458 cases of infection for the new coronavirus and 184 deaths in the last 24 hours Number of infections detected on German soil it is 139,897 and the number of deaths is 4,294.

7:50 amThe Portuguese living in China complained to Lusa about discrimination by the Chinese for fear of greedy-19, a reality that it affects the foreign community and ignored by Beijing, confirmed the non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW)

“The central government has a duty to protect everyone … This racism must be stopped,” said the deputy.director from HRW for the Asia

7:48 amTwitter continue to minimize Covid-19. The President of Brazil, Jair Twitter, today again asked Brazilians not to “run away” from coronavirus and again criticized the measures to contain the pandemic, at a public demonstration in Brasilia.

7:30 amThe numbers that came out while sleeping:

  • China recorded 16 new cases of greedy-19, in the last 24 hours, including seven of local contagion. The Asian country thus maintains the downward trend in the number of infected, after a significant increase at the beginning of the week, especially in imported cases.
  • The United States recorded 1,891 deaths from greedy-19 in the last 24 hours, with a total of 38,664 deaths in the country, announced Johns Hopkins University. The number of infected it is already 732,197, since the beginning of the epidemic.
  • Japan registered 568 new cases of Covid-19, the Japanese Ministry of Health announced today. With the 712 cases of the disease. detected On the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined earlier this year, in the port of Yokohama, south of Tokyo, the country has had 11,073 patients so far, since the start of the epidemic in the country in the midst of January.
  • South Korea recorded eight new cases of greedy-19 in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected in the country, South Korean health officials announced today.
  • Timor-Leste health authorities today announced another case of greedy-19, bringing to 19 the total number of infected in the country since the outbreak began, one of which has already recovered.

You can remember here the updates Saturday night

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