Enough, corruption and the Rui Pinto case awaken debate between Marcelo and Ana Gomes


The legitimacy of a government with the support of Chega in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the friendship between Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Ricardo Salgado, former president of Banco Espírito Santo, and the Rui Pinto case were, this Saturday night, the points main divergence in the debate between Ana Gomes and the current President of the Republic, both candidates for the presidential elections on January 24.

In the debate on RTP between the polls that point to the presidential winner and his most direct opponent, Ana Gomes accused Marcelo of allowing the “normalization” of an “extreme right-wing force” and argued that the solution in the Azores must have been to inaugurate , firstly, “the most voted party”, which “could allow other types of alliances”. In the October Regionals, the victory fell to the PS, but without an absolute majority.

“How is it that a President of the Republic rejects the parliamentary majority?” Marcelo countered, criticizing the option defended by Ana Gomes of “banning” Chega and thus giving strength to his “victimization.” The diplomat replied that the party was “legalized with false signatures” and has a “clearly unconstitutional program.”

“Why did you never ask for illegalization? Did you go to the Public Ministry?” Asked the current president of the Republic, at a time of some tension. “Do you know that the Constitutional Court is responsible [a ilegalização do partido]”recalled, in turn, the diplomat, highlighting that he expected” the organs of the Republic to do their job.

With the debate definitely in the field of Justice, Ana Gomes took advantage of the indication that it is the existence of solutions that weakens the extreme right to ensure that it will be proactive in the fight against corruption and trying to associate Marcelo with Salgado, accused by the Public Ministry, in July. of 2020, of 65 crimes within the scope of the process that investigated the fall of BES in 2014. “The trial, seven years later, has not even started yet,” the diplomat stressed.

“Five years ago it was said: ‘He’s a friend [do Dr. Ricardo Salgado]Let’s see if it doesn’t make it easier. ‘ […] He was convicted in three cases [de contraordenação] and was ultimately charged in the BES case. I don’t know if they realize how offensive that is, ”said the head of state in his reply.

Asked about Rui Pinto, alleged creator of the Football Leaks website and source for Luanda Leaks currently on trial for 89 computer crimes and an extortion attempt, and if the means justify the ends, Marcelo declined to comment, as it is a lawsuit ” . which is taking place in court. “

“This was one of those cases in which I would have liked to hear from the President of the Republic,” Ana Gomes shot, underlining that the current President of the Republic “talks about everything.” “The one who speaks is the ambassador, as a commentator,” replied Marcelo.

This Saturday, there were also debates between Marisa Matias and Tiago Mayan, on SIC Notícias, and Vitorino Silva and João Ferreira, on RTP3. The seventh candidate for Belém is André Ventura, leader of Chega.

Presidential elections are scheduled for January 24. This Saturday, Ana Gomes defended that, given the covid-19 pandemic, “it was a mistake to have scheduled so late”, lamenting that this could “contribute to high abstention.” The President of the Republic, who set the date, recalled that there were only two possible. And he assumed that, given the current situation, there is no future alternative to general confinement.
