Enough Bloco wins and goes up to third


Even in the aftermath of the presidential elections that dictated the re-election of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and gave André Ventura almost half a million votes, placing him in a third place very close to the socialist Ana Gomes (second), Chega rises to 7.3% on the voting intentions of the Portuguese, in the Nascer do SOL Eurosondagem Barometer.

With this result, André Ventura’s party, which is the only one that registers a constant rise since the 2019 legislatures, reaches the third most voted party, only behind António Costa’s PS and Rui Rio’s PSD, and relegated to the Left Block by Catarina Martins for fourth place.

In addition to the exponential rise of Chega, the other most notable note of this Barometer is the strengthening of the PS and the new fall of Rui Rio’s PSD – the two largest national parties are now separated by more than 12 percentage points in the Eurosondage Projection: 39.3% for Socialists versus 27.2% for Social Democrats.

The result of Tiago Mayan Gonçalves in the January 24 elections was also reflected in the rise of the Liberal Initiative, which rises to 3% in voting intention, which makes the party led by Cotrim Figueiredo also surpass the CDS of Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos (2.5%) and André Silva’s PAN (2.0%).

Portuguese skepticism about the evolution of the covid-19 pandemic deserves to be highlighted in this Barometer: the majority of those surveyed fear that the situation will continue to worsen and only one in four believe that the situation will improve.

Does Portugal believe with the election of Marcelo?

Won by winning: 73%
Lost: 10%
Don’t know / don’t answer: 17%

Do you think it is a pandemic?
then increase: 56%
Will decrease: 25%
Don’t know / no answer: 19%

Will it be the Portuguese Presidency of the EU?

Good and positive: 48%
Bad and negative: 21%
Don’t know / No answer: 31

How do you see the performance of the President of the Republic?

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa: + 67.5%

How would you vote if the legislative elections were today?

PS: 39.3% (+ 0.3%)
PSD: 27.2% (-0.8%)
Sufficient: 7.3% (+ 1.8%)
BE: 6.9% (+ 0.4%)
CDU: 4.8% (-o, 5%)
IL: 3.0% (+ 1.7%)
CDS: 2.5% (+ 0.4%)
PAN: 2.2% (-0.2%)
Other matches / whites and voids: 7.0% (-0.2%)

How do you see the performance of political leaders?

António Costa: + 44.5%
Rui Rio: + 21%
Jerónimo de Sousa: + 4.2%
Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos: + 1.5%
Catarina Martins: -3.0%
André Ventura – -4.0%

DATA SHEET: Opinion study carried out by Eurosondagem for the newspaper O SOL, Porto Canal, Açoreano Oriental, Diário de Aveiro, Diário Insular dos Açores, Diário de Coimbra, Diário de Leiria, DN Madeira, Diário de Viseu and Oeiras Actual (CMOeiras) from 7 to February 11, 2021. Telephone interviews, conducted by selected and supervised interviewers, for mobile phones and landlines. The Universe is the population of 18 years or more, resident in Peninsular Portugal and Autonomous Communities. Sample stratified by Region, and random by sex and age group. 1195 interview attempts were made and, of these, 173 (14.8%) did not agree to collaborate in the Opinion Study. 1022 interviews were validated. The maximum error of the sample is 3.07%, for a degree of probability of 95.0%. A copy of this Opinion Study is deposited with the Regulatory Entity of Social Communication. Lisbon, February 12, 2021 Eurosondage Technical Director Rui Oliveira Costa
