England leaves the running of the bulls on December 2


The English Government confirmed this Saturday that the closure established in the country for four weeks will not extend beyond December 2, the date on which it will return to local restrictions to limit the spread of the second wave of the new coronavirus.

Next Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson “will confirm that the national lockdown will end on December 2 and indicate how England will return to a three-tiered local restrictions plan,” it was announced today in a statement issued. Downing Street.

This plan will re-apply the three existing tiers prior to containment, but multiple zones will be placed on the top tier to keep spread under control and preserve what has been achieved with containment.

The strategy will be discussed and approved on Sunday, during the Government meeting, and presented on Monday in Parliament.

“The ministers will announce next Thursday at what level of restriction each region will be placed,” the statement said.

In the United Kingdom, where more deaths were recorded in Europe (more than 54,600) from the new coronavirus, each province will decide the respective strategy to respond to this health crisis.

This announcement of the end of the lockdown comes a day after heavy restrictions have been declared in 11 areas of Scotland and the announcement of a new lockdown in Northern Ireland, which will run for two weeks, until December 11.

“It will also be announced how people will be able to visit their relatives at Christmas,” Downing Street added, recalling that “ministers have clearly indicated that it will not be a normal holiday period.”

“Recent positive vaccine-related advances and massive testing suggest that the use of restraints to combat the spread of the virus could be phased out in the spring,” the document concludes.

The English government announced last Friday that it had asked its health regulator to analyze the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine against the new coronavirus. If approved, the executive says he is ready to “begin the first vaccines from next month.”
