End of the meteorological drought in Baixo Alentejo and Algarve | Weather


Continental Portugal recorded the end of the meteorological drought in Baixo Alentejo and Algarve at the end of November, but the appearance of the weak drought class occurred in the Miño and Duero region, according to IPMA.

At the end of November, 62.3% of the territory was in a situation of light rains, 33.6% in normal and 4.1% in low drought, according to the latest climatological bulletin of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).

The data indicate that at the end of November the meteorological drought situation that still existed in Baixo Alentejo and Algarve and in the Miño and Douro Litoral region ended. due to the low precipitation values ​​that occurred in this region, much lower than normal.

According to the bulletin, in November there was a generalized increase throughout the territory of the values ​​of the percentage of water in the soil, with a significant recovery in the southern region, in particular in the eastern Algarve.

The institute classifies the drought weather index into nine classes, ranging from “extreme rain” to “extreme drought.” According to the IPMA, there are four types of drought: meteorological, agricultural, hydrological and socioeconomic.

Meteorological drought is directly related to the precipitation deficit, when precipitation occurs below normal. In addition to the drought index, the Climatological Bulletin available today on the IPMA website indicates that the month of November was classified as very hot in relation to air temperature and normal in relation to rainfall.

According to the bulletin, the month of November was the second hottest since 2000 and the 10th warmest since 1931 (the warmest was in 1981). The mean value of the mean temperature (13.68 degrees Celsius) was higher (1.31 degrees) compared to normal. As for the mean value of the minimum temperature (9.47 degrees) it was higher than normal, being the 12th highest since 1931 and the 3rd highest since 2000.

The average maximum temperature (17.88 degrees) was higher than normal, with the twelfth highest value since 1931 and the sixth since 2000. The lowest temperature value (-1.6 degrees) was recorded in Carrazeda de Ansiães (Bragança ) on the 22nd and the highest value (28.3 degrees) in Alcobaça (Leiria) on October 19.

Regarding precipitation, the average value of the amount of precipitation in November, 109.4 mm, was equal to the normal value 1971-2000.

The heavy rains that occurred in the south on the 25th, 26th and 30th stand out, causing flooding in the Beja and Faro districts. The highest values ​​of daily precipitation were exceeded in the meteorological stations of Covilhã, district of Castelo Branco (82.7 to 9 November) and Alcoutim, in Faro (33.4 on day 5).

The highest monthly value of the amount of precipitation in November was recorded in the Covilhã meteorological station (290.6 mm) and the lowest value in Lavradio, Setúbal district, (49.5).
