Electric cars emit much less CO2 than diesel and gasoline.


In recent years, the automotive segment has turned to electrification. Tesla is the benchmark brand, especially since it was one of the pioneers, but the main national brands also follow this path. Regarding carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, a recent study reveals that electric cars emit much less than diesel and gasoline cars.

Get to know the results of this new study in this area and also a simulator.

Electric cars emit much less CO2 than diesel and gasoline.

The study was carried out by the European Federation for Transport and Environment (TEA)and the results were revealed this Monday. As a main conclusion, we highlight the discrepancy between the emissions emitted by diesel and gasoline cars compared to electric cars.

The arrival of the electric car brought with it a series of life cycle analyzes that estimate the total carbon dioxide emissions associated with the construction and operation of electric cars, including materials and assembly, battery and electricity consumption with charging , comparing them conventional cars with combustion engines. Carbon dioxide is a particularly relevant pollutant as a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and consequent climate change.

In the statement made by Associação Zero, it is stated that ...

In the best case scenario (an electric vehicle running on clean electricity and a battery produced on clean electricity), electric vehicles are already approximately five times cleaner than conventional equivalents"

The analysis of T&E says that ...

The potential of electric cars to reduce CO2 emissions is clear: on average, electric vehicles are now almost three times cleaner than diesel or gasoline cars

Comparison between electric and combustion cars for Portugal

As you can see from the graph below, in the best case scenario, EU electric cars emit 66% less CO2 compared to diesel cars and 68% less to gasoline cars.

For the study, a medium-capacity automobile model with a vehicle lifespan of the order of 225,000 kilometers was considered for 2020.

Electric cars emit much less CO2 than diesel and gasoline.

In the case described, the total emissions of an electric car would be 18.1 tons of CO2 (6 tons associated with the production of the car (excluding the battery), 3.6 of the production of the battery and 8.5 when driving). In the case of a diesel car, there would be 52.5 tons of total emission (7.0 in vehicle production and 45.5 in driving). For a gasoline vehicle, the total is 57.0 tons (6.7 in production and 50.3 in driving).

Electric cars emit much less CO2 than diesel and gasoline.

In the study, the emissions considered for all vehicles in terms of driving were the actual emissions, according to an extensive database (spritmonitor.de), and not those based on current standard tests, therefore, considering an increase in 39% between actual and laboratory emissions. The refining of fuels (diesel and gasoline) was considered (an increase of 28% in diesel and 26% in gasoline), as well as the incorporation of the carbon footprint of electricity production, including from renewable sources and losses in power lines. transmission, in equipment charges and lowers the efficiency of the battery.

ZERO considers that the State, in the context of economic incentives to relaunch the economy in a more environmentally friendly way, should guarantee the support of 2,250 euros in the purchase of 100% electric vehicles, without limiting the number of vehicles, in the case of individuals. and you float. Furthermore, ZERO believes that the State should provide an incentive to scrap vehicles over the age of 15 in the event that a new 100% electric car is chosen.

