EDP ​​was the target of a computer attack! Customer service system blocked


After several fraudulent email campaigns on behalf of EDP, the power company has now suffered a computer attack. According to the information, several important services were affected in teleworking operations.

As far as is known, such attacks do not influence the power supply to the Portuguese.

EDP ​​was the target of a computer attack! Customer service system blocked

The information was advanced by SIC revealing that EDP was the target of a computer attack. As a consequence, telework support services being guaranteed by professionals from home were affected.

The attack started this morning and is still causing failures in the answering service. According to JN, "The pirates posted a message on the dark web that said 1580 bitcoins, equivalent to 9.8 million euros. You have 20 days to pay until all the data is made public. "If all this information is confirmed, EDP was the target of a Ransomware attack.

EDP ​​Target of Ransomware Attack ...

Ransomware is a relatively new type of threat. Despite the first example of this malware dating back to the late 1980s, it took until 2013 for a full example of what this new type of threat is capable of. It was this year that Cryptolocker appeared. A ransomware has the following modus operandi ...

  1. He malware it runs on the host computer, in the background, without initially affecting the operation of the machine;
  2. The data files of the computer and / or any disk connected to it, are encrypted in the background, becoming unreadable, using public key encryption;
  3. After encrypting a significant amount of data files, or all! - a message is displayed to the user indicating what is happening and what is required (this is the redemption /rescue itself) payment of an amount, via Bitcoin or other similar, non-traceable cryptocurrency, to decrypt files by providing the key - learn more here

EDP ​​was the target of a computer attack! Customer service system blocked

Also according to the newspaper, the hackers say they are in possession of confidential information and have revealed the name of the computer folders downloaded from the server. They are folders in the areas of Human Resources and Finance.

Contacted by the Observer, an official EDP source said the power company is not aware of any redemption requests.
