Ebola Medication Helps Some Coronavirus-Infected Patients | Mie Portal


& nbspEbola medication helps some patients infected with coronavirus
Hospital beds (illustrative / PM)

A team of international researchers says more than two-thirds of a group of seriously ill Covid-19 patients responded well to a drug designed to treat Ebola.


Researchers from Japan, the United States, and Europe published the report in the New England Journal of Medicine on April 10.

The experimental Ebola drug remdesivir is being developed by a company in the United States. Some countries, including Japan and China, have already started using it as a possible treatment for Covid-19 for humanitarian reasons.

The results for April 10 come from 53 patients who were hospitalized with severe coronavirus symptoms and subsequently treated with remdesivir.

According to the researchers, 36 patients improved after receiving the medication.

Doctors were able to remove breathing tubes from 17 of 30 patients who were on mechanical ventilation. They say three out of four patients with ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machines that support breathing and cardiac functions no longer needed the support of the machine.

According to the research group, the results suggest that remdesivir is effective to some extent in patients with severely ill coronaviruses, but notes that additional clinical trials will be needed to reach a conclusion on the drug’s effectiveness, citing lack of data on burden. . in patients who were part of the study.

Fonte: NHK
