Easyjet director criticizes the quarantine of passengers in Madeira


The general director of Easyjet in Portugal, José Lopes, said yesterday that the resumption of the company’s activity in our country depends a lot on the elimination of the quarantine imposed on passengers arriving in Madeira and, therefore, suggested “the removing these barriers to connectivity. “

“There are cross quarantines for all passengers arriving in Madeira when we do not have them in mainland Portugal, which is a real barrier to domestic traffic,” said the manager in an online debate promoted by Publituris. According to José Lopes, “the markets most likely to start operating are national”, “the strongest internal market is the Lisbon-Funchal connection and, unfortunately, in Madeira, we have restrictions that go beyond those we have on the continent ” “The response we are receiving is that the next line will be this, with restrictions above what will be implemented in continental Portugal and Europe. We hope that it will not materialize, and that there will be a unification of the measures, because this would be, from the beginning, one of the markets with the greatest potential to start in the first phase, ”added the Easyjet spokesperson.

The low-cost travel company suspended calls to Madeira on March 17, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
